Can air purifiers protect you from the coronavirus

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12 min readApr 7, 2020

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is a serious health threat throughout the globe. This virus is transferred from person-to-person and can be airborne. Therefore, you might think an air purifier could reduce exposure. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Let’s check out the facts.

How does coronavirus spread

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience several respiratory symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. The group at highest risk of fatality from the virus includes older people and those with medical problems. The list of these issues include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. People with these health problems are more likely to develop a serious illness.

How can we prevent and slow down transmission? The best way is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the causes and how it spreads. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Therefore, it’s important that you also practice respiratory hygiene/ cough etiquette.

NOTE: The OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) recommends people who are sick or receiving medical treatment for COVID-19, avoid close contact with their pets. If possible, it is better to have someone else care for their animals. If they do not have this option, they should maintain good hygiene practices and wear a face mask.

How small are COVID-19 particles

COVID-19 is a new respiratory virus that was identified in Wuhan in China’s Hubei Province. Scientists took electron microscope images to measure the size of COVID-19 particles and found that it is a spherical particle with diameters of 125nm (0.125 microns). The smallest particles are 0.06 microns and the largest are 0.14 microns. That makes the COVID-19 particles smaller than PM2.5 particles. On the other hand, such virions are bigger than some dust particles and gases.

How does HEPA filtration work

Did you know that HEPA was developed by the nuclear industry to help clean up radioactive particles? Fortunately, HEPA filtration is still very useful and important for everyone, not only for environments where dust is a part of the manufacturing process. HEPA filters usually use two quite different mechanisms to clean the airstream.

It has one or more outer filters that work like sieves. It helps to stop the larger particles of dirt, dust, and hair. Inside those filters, there is an internal filter. It looks like folded paper and is used to trap the smaller particles. It is actually a mat of very dense glass fiber. But, it doesn’t simply filter out small dust particles like a sieve.

Instead, three different mechanisms catch dust particles as they pass through in the moving airstream. Some particles are caught and trapped because they smash into the fiber at high speed. Meanwhile, other particles snag on the fibers as they try to brush by. At lower airspeeds, dust particles tend to wander about more randomly through the filter and may stick to its fibers as they do so. Together, these three mechanisms allow HEPA filters to catch particles that are both larger and smaller than a certain target size.

Can air purifiers capture COVID-19

If we look to the definition of HEPA filters on Wikipedia, it says HEPA filters can remove: “99.97 percent of particles that have a size greater than or equal to 0.3 µm.”

But what about smaller particles the same size as the COVID-19? Can HEPA filters capture particles as small as the COVID-19?

Researchers at the University of Minnesota performed tests to answer this question. They used standard fiberglass furnace filters and higher-grade HEPA filters. The researchers shot particles of silver from 3 to 20 nanometers at the filters (that’s between 3 to 20 times smaller than COVID-19 particles). If you’re living in a shared house, or are working in a closed environment with lots of people, turning on an air purifier could help reduce the spread of COVID-19. But, you should understand, that a working purifier is not enough. HEPA filters won’t kill COVID-19, they will only help to lower the risk of it spreading.

Air purifiers for COVID-19: do they exist

No air purifier will capture the virus with 100% certainty. Fortunately, a good air purifier can combat some causes of respiratory problems, improve the overall air quality in your home, and boost your mood and immune system. But, a standard HEPA filter can’t capture and destroy something as small as a virus. Even if the virus is captured, it’ll likely survive for some time. The coronavirus is spread by person-to-person contact and coming into contact with contaminated surfaces. The best option for combating the coronavirus is to avoid contact with anyone that may be infected and use good hygiene practices.

How to stay safe

Air purifiers will remove viruses from the air, as well as kill germs, but an air purifier alone will not protect you from the coronavirus. At present, there is no vaccine to prevent coronavirus (COVID-19). To protect yourself, follow these tips that could help you stay healthy:

  1. Wash your hands frequently by using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water.
  2. Disinfect keyboards, phones, and surfaces regularly — after landing on a surface a virus can live another 24 hours.
  3. Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and/or cough.
  4. Avoiding touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  5. Get enough sleep, as it can boost the immune system.
  6. Avoid stress as it can weaken the immune system.
  7. Keep rooms at home and work well ventilated, as airflow reduces the growth of bacteria and viruses.
  8. Use an air purifier independently tested for 99.97% of virus and bacteria removal, in the rooms where you spend the most time, such as in the bedroom or in the office.

How to improve your indoor air quality in quarantine

The air quality in your home is important for everyone in the family. Low air quality in your home can have a big effect on health and worsen symptoms you already have. What can you do to improve indoor air quality in the quarantine period?

Open windows

This is the easiest tip to implement. But it works! The best way to improve the air quality in your home is to open your windows regularly. It will remove pollutants from the air in your household. The winter months is an especially important time due to higher humidity levels. However, it is not good for those who live near a busy road. To minimize pollutants entering your home from vehicle exhaust, keep the windows closed at peak traffic times. If you suffer from hay fever, don’t open your windows in the morning, when the pollen count is highest.

Invest in an air purifier

If you’re allergic (pet dander, dust, pollen) to indoor allergens — it may help to use an air purifier. This device will be extremely helpful if you place it in the most commonly used areas of the house. An air purifier will capture some of the irritants that may trigger your symptoms. You’re probably not going to be able to remove these allergens completely, but you can reduce them. This will help alleviate your symptoms.

Change your filters

You should definitely change the filters regularly. Over time, filters become full of dust, pollutants and harmful bacterias. Therefore, do not forget to change it regularly.

Use essential oils

How to reduce bad odors at home? Just use essential oils to improve poor air quality. Make sure to choose your essential oils carefully and use them according to instructions. The right quantities are important for safe usage. A common way to use essential oils to freshen the air in your home is by following this recipe.

  • 1/2 cup strong rosemary infusion
  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 20 drops pine essential oil (Pinus sylvestris)
  • 20 drops lemon essential oil (Citrus limon)

Mix all ingredients together in a spritzer bottle, shake well, then spray away!

Use cooking vents

It is not a secret, but a lot of pollutants come from the kitchen. Gas stoves release carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide which are extremely dangerous for our health. Even electric burners produce those same pollutants at lower levels. Therefore, when you’re cooking, be sure to turn on your kitchen vents. If you do not have a great cooking vent, open windows in the kitchen too. It filters out the air even more.

Keep your rugs and carpets clean

Rugs and carpets do more than increase the comfort of your home. They act as their own air filters, trapping dust and other particles in their many fibers. Clean your carpets and rugs weekly and they will keep working for you, improving the air quality in your home just by lying there!

Control humidity in your home

A high humidity level breeds the spread of mold and bacteria and triggers respiratory diseases like allergies and asthma. On the other hand, a low humidity level can make everything worse. The dry air can increase asthma and other allergies. There are a variety of humidifier options that will help maintain consistent humidity levels. It will help to create comfortable living conditions in your home. The humidity level is important for herd immunity. Herd immunity (also called community or local immunity) is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, it provides a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune. It is extremely important to keep your nose and throat moisturized. To get more information about local immunity and humidity levels you can read this article about humidity and viruses.

Buy indoor plants to freshen the air

Plants are natural air filters. Just a few indoor plants can do wonders and improve the indoor air quality in your home. Plus, they provide nice home decor. Small plants like ferns and lilies and larger palm trees are the best options to pull contaminants out of the air.

Clean bedding

Make sure to regularly clean bedding, drapes, and other items that tend to attract allergens. It is especially important for pet owners. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology recommends washing them in water that is at least 130° F. Also consider using dust mite-proof covers on pillows.

Use eco-friendly cleaning products

But cleaning with the right products is key. A clean home doesn’t contain a lot of dust and other particles that contribute to bad air quality and irritate allergies.

Use completely natural cleaning products such as lemon and vinegar that leave no toxic footprint behind. Industrial cleaners can leave a residue that will affect air quality.

If you want to get more information about clean indoor air, read our article (link).

How air purifiers can really help

From reducing asthma and allergy triggers to preventing contamination of deadly substances, air purifiers can be beneficial for everyone. The following 10 are just a few benefits of using an air purifier in your home or work environment.

Remove triggers for asthma attacks

Most asthma triggers are found at home. Therefore, if you spend a lot of time indoors, you are at a high risk of worsening asthma symptoms. Such triggers can include dry skin cells, dirt, dust, carbon monoxide, household cleaners, air-freshening sprays, smoke from cooking, paint products, cosmetics, perfumes, and hairsprays. Due to this, air purifiers are an ideal device for treating asthma.

Eliminate allergens

When you inhale dust, pollen, or pet odor, your body reacts to produce the allergy antibody (IgE). Therefore, allergic reactions are triggered. Breathing in dust, pollen, pet odor, and tobacco smoke can cause allergic reactions. To avoid these, you should find a good air purifier with a True HEPA filter to remove all the dust, tobacco, pollen and pet dander particles. It removes all the allergens and you will get pure and clear air at home.

Protect from respiratory illnesses

Air purifiers can improve breathing conditions as they reduce the number of hazardous elements in the air, thus decreasing the pollutants that are inhaled. Since air purifiers are able to remove most particles from the air, children, the elderly, and the chronically ill can breathe in cleaner air, which can prevent the development of illnesses or stop the progression of diseases.

Trap tobacco and cigarette smoke, preventing lung disease

The development of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and heart disease can be caused because of tobacco smoke. Other side-effects of tobacco or cigarette smoke include ear infections, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis. If you think that secondhand smoke is not harmful you are wrong. Secondhand smoke is extremely dangerous for children. Their lungs are still growing and developing. Plus, their respiratory rates are higher than an adult’s. Elderly people are at a higher risk too. Air purifiers can remove smoke by using a HEPA filter and activated carbon.

Improve mood

The cleaner air will help you become less agitated and maintain a more positive mood and even temper. Clean air can improve moods when inhaled. Air purifiers produce better results in terms of increasing mood levels and reduce depression.

Eliminate radon gas

Breathing in certain gases leads to the development of lung cancer. Radon gas, for example, is produced from a combination of uranium in soil, rock, and water. It can be found in homes, offices, and even schools as it enters through cracks in the floors and walls, construction joints or gaps around service pipes, electrical wires, and sump pits. Air purifiers can help eliminate radon gas from your home. This can prevent the development of lung cancer.

Increase air circulation

Air purifiers can help circulate the oxygen in your home. Depending on an air purifier’s air delivery rating (ADR), the device can circulate the air in a room up to 6 times per hour.

NOTE: to improve air circulation without an air purifier, keep your windows and doors open as often as you can.

Improve sleep quality

e clean air that air purifiers produce can improve sleep quality and increase feelings of calm. The relaxing sounds that air purifiers make can help people fall asleep faster and have a good night’s sleep. Air purifiers are ideal devices. They remove the most toxins and pollution from the air, including chemicals, pet dander, benzene, ammonia, and odors from cooking.

Remove potentially dangerous insects

Purifiers can get rid of annoying insects that can spread harmful germs or even dangerous diseases. Eliminating insects prevents the need for sprays to kill mosquitoes and other bugs. They can be toxic and increase allergy symptoms.

NOTE: since air purifiers are helpful and efficient and can eliminate insects, they can make harmful insecticides unnecessary.

Reduce stress

Did you know that clean, pure air decreases your cortisol level? As a result, it allows you to relax and reduce stress. This can improve your productivity, and help you become energized and happy. Knowing that your living space, where you most likely spend most of your day, is pollutant-free can give you peace of mind.

Can an air purifier help with COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that ‘studies to date suggest that the virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air’. So we’ll need to await further scientific study before we can know for sure. But one thing is definitely true: air purifiers with true HEPA filters will help you to keep your indoor air clean and pure. Therefore, limit your outdoor time, maintain social distance when you do need to leave home. Whenever possible, stay at home to protect your own health and the health of your family!



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