Meet the genie
The platform for no-loss challenges for popular online games, built on the Ethereum network. Did you ever want to open a League of Legends tournament with your friends? Start a community-driven World of Warcraft competition? Create a Path of Exile race or a Fortnite challenge? You can do this with the genie 🧞 , after proper integration is done of course 😉. And the good part, the genie also will reward the winner with a valuable asset, the DAI stablecoin for example. Visit the genie on
- 💸 Stake DAI to join a game challenge
- 🏦 The reward is generated by Compound
- 🏆 won ? getStake() + getReward() : getStake()
- 👁🗨 Trust-less and pretty decentralised thanks to Chainlink
The flow of the genie
To participate in a challenge, the player needs to stake DAI to show his intentions and to allow the reward to be generated. After the challenge is done, he can withdraw his stake no matter who won. The total stake of all players is supplied to Compound lending protocol, and the reward is generated from the accrued interest of all funds. Using this scheme, multitude of players can make small stakes and generate a significant reward, with no risk of losing their stake, creating a no-loss and a risk-free challenge.
Does genie control my funds?
No. The player deposits his stake to the pool contract, and only he is can withdraw his funds.
Does genie control the reward distribution?
No. The winner selection is done by a third-party, eliminating the trust on the genie team. We are using Chainlink Oracles to supply the winning account to the pool contract, which will send him the generated reward and close the challenge.
Path of Exile PoC
There’s a myriad of games around, but being PoE fans we chose to start from Path of Exile — an online action RPG. They’re also exposing a nice API we were been able to utilise for our needs. We created a race challenge — the first character in a league to reach a chosen level will be the winner. The leagues can be private or public, making this useful for game-wide challenges and community scale tournaments.
Can I add a new game to genie?
Yes! Myself I would even answer that you should 😃. Using Chainlink you can create your own challenges and new game integrations with little from the genie team as possible. All you need to do is hook the game and genie API’s together to a function that would return the winner’s account. Ok, that’s more than this, but its not gonna stop you from 🏗 it?
Future of the genie
We would love to bring genie to a massive audience of gamers without crypto education. While you’re gonna help us with integrating more games (right?), we will work on bridging the crypto gap for them! This includes adding a gas relayer for fee-less transactions, integrating on and off ramp services, and much more!