A Peaceful Time in the Hoh Rain Forest

GiaB prompt #14: being in nature

Megan Nicole Morgan
Genius in a Bottle


Image by Author

You are another world on Earth.
You’ve done a lot for me in a short time.
I wish everyone could know your worth
And have a chance to visit you sometime.

I wish to be among your trees once more,
Smell your earthy scent after a rain,
And walk on your trails to explore.
You make a nature lover go insane.

I wish to see your ferns, so lush and green,
Hear the sounds of creatures living in you,
And watch the river flow, so serene
Because these are the things I love to do.

Thank you Carolyn Hastings for tagging me in this prompt. For anyone that might not have read Carolyn’s contribution to the prompt, I’ll leave a link to it below.

Thank you Victor Sarkin for accepting me as a writer for Genius in a Bottle and for the fun prompt. Victor’s poem and guidelines for the prompt are below.



Megan Nicole Morgan
Genius in a Bottle

I write about hobbies and nature. I'm also exploring different forms of writing.