A Writer’s Lifeline

Editor’s picks for the writing prompt#10: personal technology

Genius in a Bottle
1 min readJan 7, 2021


Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay, modified by the author on Microsoft Paint

A blank white screen,
Stands staring at my face.

White letters,
Lay scattered on a black platter,
In front of my eyes,

Emotions unlock my mind,
And set my fingers on motion.

A new story is created,
And saved.

Computer —
A writer’s lifeline.

It’s an honour to announce the editor’s picks for GiaB’s fortnightly prompt #10: Personal Technology.

Texting by Lexus Ndiwe

Shall We Be Honest About Personal Technology Responsibility in Reducing Human Interactions by Myriam Ben Salem

Every fortnight, Victor Sarkin’s unique writing prompt arrives to extract the creative juices of amazing and talented GiaB writers. Thank you all, for making these fortnightly GiaB prompts so special.

Prompt # 10: Personal Technology is officially closed. No worries, the new prompt has already arrived. I am sure this prompt will prompt each one of us
to take care of the priceless treasure that we own.

Each response to our prompt challenge is always special to us. Thank you to all who participated, considered participating, read the published responses, and showed your appreciation through claps and responses. Let’s keep showing our support in this way.

Have a great day ahead,
Victor and Chirag.



Genius in a Bottle

A creative neuro-scientist, fascinated by the world of fiction and ageing neuroscience. Email @ Wordpottery@gmail.com