Being a Genius For Dummies

Okay, but what does Kanye West have to do with anything?

Hogan Torah
Genius in a Bottle
Published in
7 min readNov 6, 2020


Photo of Kanye West by Olivier Douliery CC BY 3.0

Bragging About How Smart You Are is Stupid

A smart person doesn’t care who the smartest person in the room is. Smart people know it doesn’t matter. A smart person can be loud and boisterous. They might be quiet and reserved. It’s not the person who tells anyone who will listen how smart they are.

Being smart has no bearing in regards to success or the amount of money made in a lifetime. Being smart will not make you happy.

“What’s your definition of success?” is a smart question to ask someone. It’s open-ended. There’s no right or wrong. Their answer allows you to gain insight on what kind of person they are. However, it takes intelligence to know how to interpret their answer.

Ke$ha claims to have an IQ of 140 yet still sucks. By Gavin Huang , CC BY 3.0

A smart person will try not to use grandiose 50 point words. If I desired to pontificate in a rhapsody making comprehension of my diatribe an exercise in getting your daily Bing points, I could. But I don’t.



Hogan Torah
Genius in a Bottle

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