Broken Vases

GiaB ‘Dear Genie’ prompt #1: family

Bogdan Tiganov
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by Faria Anzum on Unsplash

At the beach, where, in the movies,
the couples laugh and tan and kiss,
mum and dad barked and bit,
until we headed home —
mum in tears, dad, stern-faced driving —
the rain lashing down, hear it

On the way home, both of them
staring at anything except
each other, or me,
stopping for a toilet break,
sneaking around the side
of the petrol station where
a woman sold her wares.

And later, sitting
in funereal silence
on our respective chairs,
going to my bag and
pulling out the vase —
brittle and precious with
grey, turquoise, and speckles
of white foam —
and handing it to her.

Mum stared at it for a good while,
then she looked at me,

