ChocoChip Cookies

GiaB prompt #4 — Cooking

Sneha Mankar
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Morphing cookies from dough
to a mouthful-delectable treat,
oozing pure delicacies
, will effortlessly
make you weak at the knees

So, grab a bowl and whisk the flour,
be it with baking soda or powder
mix it well, and grab on another
for the entranced buttery-batter

Remember, butter first, eggs next
with some granulated sugar pearls,
some mouthwatering vanilla essence
blessed with the bountiful snuggles

Now beat the batter,
till the creamier is the mixture,
Stir in some choco chips,
and toasted-chopped nuts to nurture

Roll out the cookie dough and
put the balls on a baking sheet,
Bake until golden brown to drool over
those caramelized-circular sweet

Serve on a splendid Austin spike-leaf platter
with ecstatic aroma waltzing,
surely, will swirl you in, into its
delicious dark-chocolate cravings.

© Sneha Mankar
Thank you for reading :)

May the odds be ever in your favor, may the cookies be ever of your flavor ;)

In response to the GiaB prompt “Cooking” by Victor Sarkin and Chirag.
Thank you, Somsubhra and Paroma for tagging me to participate in this delicious prompt. Navigate below to their beautiful pieces respectively:

GiaB will have a new prompt going live this Wednesday so, don’t forget to give it a whirl. Here’s a link to the current prompt:



Sneha Mankar
Genius in a Bottle

Software Engineer at LTI. Writer and Poet. I write to speak of my mind to explore, believe, and live where I belong!