CNN Caused the Capitol Riots

According to Megyn Kelly, talking about the problem… is the problem?

A Simple Box of Limitless Stories.
Genius in a Bottle


What’s happening in this country is a distortion of facts. Gross manipulation of the concept of victimization. We can’t agree on who to point the finger at, but for some reason, everyone agrees that we have to point at someone.

But seriously, the audacity of anyone who would say that negative press coverage caused these riots is unthinkable. These riots were instigated by people who want to create instability to get what they want.

Whoever they may be, they don’t understand that if we seek more stability, we can all get what we want.

Now more than ever, American society is divided by the blame game. The vocalization of victimization has reached a fever pitch. These flames are being fanned by everyone jumping on the “offended social justice warrior” train. To justify their actions to themselves and the general public.

Wake up America, the rest of the planet knows the word for what happened at the Capitol. Coup.

As a Colombian whose family ran away from civil war, I consider this riot to be nothing short of terrorism. The entire system of this country would have been upended in 30 seconds…



A Simple Box of Limitless Stories.
Genius in a Bottle

Sci-fi, Spiritual and Supernatural. Flash fiction, short stories, and more! D.L. Schrader