Genius in a Bottle

Dear Genie Prompt #2 Winners

Applauding creative geniuses

Shaheena Chowdhury
Genius in a Bottle


Image by BenteBoe from Pixabay

We’ve wrapped up yet another prompt for Dear Genie and every single response has pulled at our heartstrings. The theme of our 2nd prompt, forgiveness is not the prerogative of any individual, group or nation. This idea was reflected in almost all the pieces submitted to us. Another idea that also resonated with us is how personal growth is hinged on the ability to look past our own flaws, no matter how big they are. There can also be situations where the one who was wronged may choose not to forgive. And, while the act of forgiveness demands courage, those who don’t (or can’t) forgive deserve our empathy no less.


Susan Sagarin has shown us how a simple act of forgiveness can make a world of difference in one’s life. Her story, When Self-Help Wasn’t, is a chapter from her life that we can all draw inspiration from. Her resilience is an example for all those fighting their personal demons. We salute this brave woman and bestow upon her the honor of best nonfiction story.


We’ve all crossed a point in our lives where we couldn’t reconcile what we were told by our leaders and what was happening on the ground. Caroline de Braganza sums up beautifully the emotional crossroads at which we stand as we witness our humanity falling prey to the avarice of a few. When Forgiveness is a Betrayal and an Act of Immorality opens our eyes to the ethical dilemmas of the present times. This poem is clearly the winner in this category.


Hot Milk is an entertaining take on the friendship between two women who grow old together. ‘How does forgiveness figure in this story?’ you might ask. Well, even friendship needs forgiveness to carry on as Francesca Lembregts demonstrates in the dynamics between the two protagonists. Her fiction story stood out from the pack with its witty humor and candid display of the intricacies of human relationships.

We’re very grateful to everyone who responded to this prompt by sending their brilliant creations of nonfiction, poetry and fiction our way. It was a privilege reading your stories about forgiveness and how it brings to light the frailty of human nature.

On behalf of the GiaB team,
Shaheena Chowdhury



Shaheena Chowdhury
Genius in a Bottle

CELTA-qualified Teacher | Editorial Specialist | Freelance Proofreader