Falling for Him

One look and she was hooked, but she had no idea how far she would fall

Melissa Speed
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

The obsession began when she first saw him in a late-night movie. It was instantaneous. His smile dazzled her, there was something about his eyes which captivated her, rendering her unable to see anything but him, and his voice was the sexiest thing she had ever heard. He filled her mind and caused a surge of sexual energy to rush through her body every time he was on screen.

She was hooked, and she knew it; it was an instant addiction and one she didn’t intend to beat — she gave herself to it like a sailor to a Siren’s call.

She entered his name into her search engine and her jaw dropped at the sight of the images that appeared in the results. By God, he’s gorgeous, she thought, biting her lip as she paused to take in the stills and photographs which captured the rugged beauty of his face. She knew, though, that these images would not satisfy her for long. She needed to devour everything she could find in which he starred. He was too good to not be enjoyed completely. She scrolled on, determined to find a list of every film or television show in which he had ever appeared.

His filmography page bookmarked, she set to the task of finding ways to watch. She found herself taking out new subscriptions to streaming services…

