Fish, Sea, Eternity

GiaB writing prompt #9: Marine Life

Rhonda Marrone
Genius in a Bottle


In New Moon darkness
I sit on the dock
under the stars
by the salt water
listening to mysterious unseen
creatures from the ocean
jumping in the bay:
splash, plop, plunk.

They jump, splash all night,
as the first fish did,
as the ancestral fish
of all creatures
billions of years ago did:
plop, splash, plonk.

In primordial salt water,
under the stars,
time began.
Eons before I came to be
with fish plopping unseen
in salt water,
time started ticking forward.
The fish, sea, and stars
will continue
in the slow procession onward
long after I have come to pass.

~~Rhonda Marrone 12/2020



Rhonda Marrone
Genius in a Bottle

Poetry and Essay Writer. Be Open Editor. Lover of all things nature. You can most likely find me sitting under a tree ,watching birds, writing poems.