Hidden Not From Me

A tribute to a friend

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera
Genius in a Bottle
1 min readAug 14, 2021


Composite image of a woman’s face adorned by moss, bark and twigs in a muted palette of pastel greens, purples and blues.
image by author

slippery woman
dust devil or rainstorm
she won’t be yoked
destroys every collar
accepts punishment before obedience
no submission to the chain
raised in a pack…

She runs alone

Earth’s living bling
a smile that slaps you across the face
a glint of dark blue sparkles
screaming midnight rain
climaxing in an arc of aquamarine
she hides her tsunami heart
parading as cold diamond
repressed rage
tidal pool calm
tempered rose petal cheeks
tongue of whip
sticky and clever
an endless pounding waterfall
that sinks into the arms
of a freshly groomed cowboy.

Her gorgeous fury
ruptures skulls
scattering brains to the four directions…

she keeps the peace for me
a tiny crystal of stasis
parts sacred and solemn
polished to perfection
kisses on the palm.

I’m smitten by her flaws
the exquisite impossibility of her choices
tears spilling through cracks
unsealed essence of the black dahlia
punching through the snow
in naked exuberance
she blooms behind my shield
reddest heartbroken lipstick
dancing legs that span the west coast
she does only what she wants to.

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera 2021

