Broome | Western Australia

Staircase to the Moon

A linked shape poem

Carolyn Hastings
Genius in a Bottle
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2020


The full  Moon rising over the mudflats at Roebuck Bay, Western Australia, creating the illusion of a staircase to the Moon.
Image by Francesco Piasentin on Flickr (see end note)

To appreciate the structure and flow of this poem, I suggest you view it on a screen larger than a mobile device. Thank you. 🙏 🌝

we gather, milling
a diasporic throng, buzzing
electric, eclectic cacophony, fading
light enveloped in darkness, ascending
a crescent glow on the horizon, inspiring
hush, stillness palpable and thick, rendering
time transcendent, irrelevant, mute, enabling
homage to the Moon Goddess, Selene, revering
her magnificent golden orb, luminous, exuding
mythical wonder, molten eminence, embracing
awe, affirmation, solace, deliverance, revealing
her radiant staircase, time-trodden, traversing
rich seabeds of tempered chocolate, enticing
intrepid faithful to dream, aspire, absolving
uncertainty, wayward missteps, inhaling
hope, the sanctity of life, yielding
to destiny’s purpose, knowing
we disperse, returning
to being



Carolyn Hastings
Genius in a Bottle

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.