The Leaf’s Journey

GiaB prompt #3: seasons

Somsubhra Banerjee
Genius in a Bottle
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2020


The first feeling I remember, after senses, caressed me for the first time,
of those dollops of cold color-less drops, falling on me, sparkling molecules,
one atop the other it fell, first slowly and then simultaneous tipper-tapper, ohh what a rush it was,
I almost felt I won't survive, but I did,
and continued doing so, for seasons many.

I remember those wet cotton drops, falling noiseless, layering my green chlorophyll structure with snow-white stillness,
and I lay almost frozen under, trying hard to stay warm,
with those momentary specs of golden light, shining bright,
a day, sometimes, after a week.

I remember those golden rays, saving me during winters, becoming my nemesis, during summertime,
temperatures soaring, that feeling of your skin burning and itchy,
and what an oxymoron, I wanted the earlier nemesis, rain, to come and soak my soul,
strange ain't it?

I remember those sad times, when the dry leaves, in various shades of brown, leaving this big family of the tree,
slowly detaching and…



Somsubhra Banerjee
Genius in a Bottle

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)