The One Who Loves Will Care

When enough is enough

Dazzling Shene
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

Oh look, the rivers have changed their flow

when all thou seek are the mighty lords

when thou don’t care about the ones who care

when thou take kindness for granted

finally a fool realizes, ‘Enough is enough’

for all thou do is ‘ Take and take’

and never give back; O how thou forget at will

O thy whims and the changing winds

for matters of the heart are complicated things

cruel is this unspoken bond

for all that glitters is not gold

and all the gold is just for show

gems are found deep in mines

in trenches buried is the nameless grief

a broken heart is such a shame

don’t give up on thyself for a ruthless heart

for when time unfolds, the tale will be told

a ruthless one will never care

Oh, fool thou were to ever bear

for the one who loves will always care

and the one who slights thee

is not worth thy time

for thou are special and loved

don’t let an ungrateful soul make thee feel unloved

© Dazzling Shene 2021

Thank You for reading :)



Dazzling Shene
Genius in a Bottle

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry