The Trining, Chapter 7

Pomnot Games

Jay Squires
Genius in a Bottle


Summary of Chapter Six

Axtilla provides Doctrex the history of her people, from the first points of light out of the absolute darkness of their beginning to the formation of the encloy. She goes on to explain their cosmology, the Tablets of Kyre, which prophesied the Bining, a major epoch in the History of her people.

Suddenly she stops, in obvious distress, and she points to something behind him. “Kojutake!” she cries.

AAnd now …

I edged in beside her at the log and, dreading what she was urging me to look at, I slowly brought my eyes around to the left and up. “Oh, my God!” I gasped.

She swallowed. “We must take it all in, Doctrex,” she said, her breathing shallow and rapid. “Our lives depend on — on remembering the lessons from all we see.”

The thin, diaphanous membrane stretched out over us all the way to the mountain and off to the left of it, as far as I could see. On the other side of this membrane, where a sulfurous yellow fog drifted and swirled about, an enormous reddish-brown object throbbed against the sheath. The fog first enveloped it, and then released it. A flurry of blurred movement lunged toward this — this — it was a heart! In a fogless moment, the bear-sized former owner’s carcass lay grotesquely on its side with gaping chest cavity…



Jay Squires
Genius in a Bottle

I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.