This Is Why I Love Listening to the Radio

Humanity in its simplest shape

Emma Kemp
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

I love listening to the radio, probably because my mother used to do it a lot. It provides some sort of extra dimension to the living room. It is also a perfect pastime. Listening is one of the easiest things to do, as opposed to reading a book, for example, and since there’s no screen to look at it doesn’t make your eyes tired. I like to be surprised by the music that passes by, hearing songs I haven’t listened to in ages, being caught up with the news, following conversations about all kinds of topics. It’s effortless. Your brain puts meaning to those words in an instant, and in the meantime, you can do other things. Suddenly doing the dishes isn’t that dreadful anymore.

I often wonder who those people are who actually end up calling a radio show. Some are eager to give their opinion about employees canceling yearly Christmas gifts. Others share heart-warming stories, a man taking care of his sick wife, for example, in need of some supporting words from the radio host.

When I think of the kind of people that join a show, it’s often people who seem to have a lot of time: older people, truck drivers (or anyone who is on the road), unemployed people. At the same time, it’s much like the daily visitors of a neighborhood cafe: people have been coming there for ages, almost…



Emma Kemp
Genius in a Bottle

Writing about mental health, personal development & relationships. Love cats & birds.