Traveling Lighter

But don’t travel with a lighter, a fighter or a typewriter.

Daniel Burg
Genius in a Bottle


I opened the bottom drawer of the dresser expecting to find my toiletry bag. Instead, I found a family of gnomes sitting cross-legged munching gnome-sized dollops of toothpaste. They had cannibalized the travel-sized tube of dental emulsion I had hoped to take on this trip. Never mind, I thought, and gently closed the drawer, hoping I hadn’t disturbed their dinner.

Travel always holds more adventure than we predict, but never more than I want, even when it doesn’t begin with a family of toothpaste-munching gnomes.


All travelers should know that dental hygiene products, like illicit drugs, are available everywhere. That is true whether you believe in toothpaste-gulping gnomes or not.

So, pack half the stuff you think you need and enjoy the freedom that comes with the lighter load.



Daniel Burg
Genius in a Bottle

lifelong learner l writer l creator l cook l long-term traveler | Interested in opportunities for co-creation.