
Two seasons

A tanka response to giab prompt challenge “seasons”

James G Brennan
Genius in a Bottle
Published in
1 min readSep 23, 2020


Image by Stephanie Albert from Pixabay

Winter and spring heat
Give way to raining season
Welcome the cool air
Fauna becomes lush once more
Only two seasons per year.

This Tanka is in response to Susannah MacKinnie Imad & Lucy (the eggcademic) Here are their wonderful poems for you to read. Thank you all for including me in your challenge on my final days with this dying computer. What a struggle this is, I said I would endeavour, endevouring I am.

Thank you Jay Squires and the GiaB team for giving my words a platform here at GiaB. Thank you all for reading and your precious time. J.



James G Brennan
Genius in a Bottle

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.