What’s Up with Folks Who Always Self-Promote?

And a big cheer for those who find it hard to do.

Carolyn Riker
Genius in a Bottle


Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

Why is it some people need to promote themselves frequently? They need to proclaim their successes, multiple times a day. Sometimes I’m annoyed. Other times I’m in awe, like they are some rare species and I’m trying to figure them out. Sometimes I wish I could share as freely but not as often.

Sometimes I wonder do they ever NOT have success? How do they do it? What magic do they eat/drink on the daily that encourages them to overshare every single fucking detail. [Caveat only the highlights].

OMG, I did it again. I got the Pulitzer Prize in FIVE categories and then I went to the grocery store and was coincidentally interviewed by Oprah. Serendipity at its best! We were right there in the potato chip aisle. She loves potato chips JUST as much as I do. Who would have known!

After that, you won’t-believe-it. OMG!! But LET me tell you anyway!! The book I submitted 10 minutes ago JUST got accepted by this FAB publisher while I was depositing my royalty checks for my last book. I’m so thrilled and deeply hummmmmmbbbbblllleee. [insert selfie with surprised look!]

And get this, while wearing a ratty tee shirt (points to a gorgeous tee) which was given to me by dearest, most popular author



Carolyn Riker
Genius in a Bottle

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!