Money Mindset | Mae’s Money Manifestations

Maegan Tomela Burke
Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2019

“I am energy; money is energy; we are samesies; we are besties.”

Phuket, Thailand // This 4-floor, 5-bedroom, $1000+ a night Airbnb (it even had a private elevator) was one of my many financial mishaps while living this nomad life. Worth it for this picture tho. 🤷🏾‍♀️

As a self-proclaimed urban hippie, I’m here to drop some gems straight from the cosmos themselves. While I’ve always believed in the power of the Universe, it wasn’t until recently that I learned how to use that power to manifest all of my desires and let me be clear that right now, financial abundance is my main desire. I made it a point for 2019 to be all abouts my money and when I tell you the game has changed…

I could go on and on about the different methods that I use to attract financial abundance, but here are four that have changed my life — and more importantly, my bank account. The teacher in me is assigning homework for each so take notes kids.


Meditation used to be so hard for me because I was tryna sit in a corner in silence and maybe that shit works for some people, but not me homie. Turns out the trick was guided meditations. These are prerecorded and themed tracks that lead you. Now if I go a day without meditating, my soul feels all types of fucked up the same way athletes tense up after missing a workout.

Here are my fave resources for guided meditations:
Insight — A free mobile app that lets you search by category and time length. I use it almost every day.

YouTube — The GOAT wins again. YouTube is bae with guided meditations. I now even fall asleep to them to manifest money while I sleep. I can’t even tell you how many times in the past month where I’ve fallen asleep to an abundance meditation and woke up with money in my Cashapp. Here is one of my faves.

Spotify — If you search for phrases like “abundance meditation” and “law of attraction meditation” you’ll find an endless amount of guided meditations. You can prob do the same on Apple Music (but why don’t you have Spotify?).

Homework: Meditate for 5 minutes a day for one week straight. Fuck the money for now, just focus on how dope you feel after a week of honing in on your higher self.


I was so serious about getting my mind and my money right that I started the year by taking off more than 2 months from work. (Yup, I took time off from making money to make money.) I read self-help books like You Are a Badass at Making Money and memoirs like Shoe Dog. With money comes anxiety so an honorable mention to Shook Ones: Anxiety Playing Tricks on Me by Charlamagne Tha God.

Education is essential to breaking your poor money habits. If you already had the wisdom to break those habits, you probably wouldn’t have them in the first place, bih.

Here are the key books that helped change my money mindset:
You Are a Badass at Making Money
The Secret
Shook Ones: Anxiety Playing Tricks on Me
Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Homework: Pick one of the above and read it. ASAP.


Out of all of these tips, gratitude is prob my fave. I’ve always been super into living in the moment and being grateful for where I’m at, but recently I’ve taken it to a new level. True gratitude is not just being thankful when shit’s going according to plan, it’s being grateful for those tough situations when you’re surviving on vegetable fried rice or 7-Eleven snacks while you’re growing your online business. Know that with true gratitude comes immense reward. Be thankful for those tough times because when that little online business of yours makes almost $400 in just a few hours (as I did today), you’re not gonna know how to stop smiling.

Here are my key tools for expressing gratitude:

A gratitude journal — Everyday I take a few minutes to write down what I’m grateful for at that moment — absolutely no negativity ever makes it into my journal. Any notebook will due, but use it only for your gratitude practice.

My Affirmations App — You can either use the affirmations that come with the app or preprogram your own (as I do). Every few hours I receive a notification with one of my affirmations, close my eyes and slowly repeat the affirmation three times. Some of my fave money mantras:

  • I naturally attract money.
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  • C.R.E.A.M.
  • I want it. I got it.

Homework: Start a gratitude journal. Do you know how good it feels to start your day reflecting on all the things that make you happy? It feels like heaven, that’s what it feels like.

Positive Language

This ties into the above, but I really wanna drive this home…

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

― Gandhi

Lemme make it clear that the Universe is always listening. ALWAYS. Common phrases like “I’m broke” do nothing but affirm your broke ass status to the Universe. “I always end up with low-paying jobs.” Boom, the Universe is gonna make sure you always end up with low-paying jobs. “I’m always struggling to pay my bills.” YOU GON’ CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE! Get it? Got it? Good.

While we’re on the topic of language, go ‘head and take the phrase “I know” out of your vocabulary. 1, if you’re reading this, you’re probably in your late 20s or early 30s so you def don’t know shit and 2, by affirming what you *know*, you just told the Universe that you’re not open to receiving any new wisdom. Your higher self is tryna bless you with guidance and new info on the regular, but because you “know” everything, you’re entirely closed off to receiving it.

Homework: Write down some of your negative thoughts about money, then flip ’em and reverse ’em.

“I’m broke.” > “I am abundant. Money is coming.”
“I struggle with keeping money.” > “I love making money and I love spending it.”
“I hate money.” > “I love money and money loves me.”
“Money is evil.” > “I love money because money allows me to travel the world on my own terms.”

All of this to stay that none of these techniques will work if you don’t put the action behind it and most importantly BELIEVE. Believe that you are the ruler of your own destiny. You have the power to manifest the life of your dreams and the Universe is here to help. Now go stunt on ‘em.

I’m off to perform a full moon ritual to rid myself of the bad and make space for more good. Did you like this post? Should I make a Part Deux? Lemme know.

