Money Mindset | Yvonne’s Independent Entrepreneur Tips

Yvonne Wilkins
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2019

I’ve been filing my taxes as an “Independent Contractor” since 2017. I start off by saying that because I’m trying to keep it 8 more than 92 with whoever is reading this. I could say I’m an “entrepreneur” or I “work for myself”, or I’m a “digital nomad” or whatever, I could use any of those words to say that I file my taxes as an independent to make it sound more glamorous, but it’s not glamorous at all. It’s hard as hell and sometimes I question my sanity. I’m not quite a business owner, because I don’t own a business…yet. I don’t have a staff or anything like that, I just have my skillset. I also don’t have a boss or some weak ass annoying coworkers. I basically pimp myself. I’M BASICALLY MY OWN HOE! My pimp name is Pimp Hustles, cuz I HUSTLES.

When I think about money, I remind myself that money is not real. It’s a manmade piece of paper used as currency. Money is not real, but the exchange of money is real. The hustle is real. Identifying and enhancing your ability to participate in the exchange is real. So basically, if you can identify your skill, if you can enhance your skill, master your skill, and also master the exchange of your skill, you too can become a pimp named Hustles. Understanding what you have to offer and how much it is worth is the key to becoming an independent entrepreneur.

Here are a few reasons you may want to learn how to hustle as an independent:

  1. You want to quit your 9–5. Ok, no shade on people with 9–5s, I worked in corporate for 5 years, I get it. I miss having seamless health insurance and knowing exactly how I’ll be getting my next check every week. I don’t miss having an annoying ass boss and being someone else’s hoe. I’d rather pimp myself. If you agree, this is for you.
  2. You want to make some extra cash. When you master your exchange, you can get money from all directions. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur full time or want to quit your job, you just need to want to master your hustle.
  3. You want to learn how to monetize your passion. This is where I’m at. I have a skill, and I am passionate about my skill. I have a clear vision for my future, and I understand that mastering the exchange and the hustle is the only way to make my passion my career and make freedom my lifestyle. I will never need to retire because I will always be living in my passion and capitalizing on my passion as an exchange.

Once you’ve decided to change your life and embark on this independent journey, you’ll need to be aware of a few major keys that will help you get started. Here are five things to do/know when you begin working as an independent entrepreneur. I’ve also added some famous lyrics to help you understand a little better.

  1. Scared Money Don’t Make No Money

Damn my ni*** why you actin’ like a bi***? If you scared to take a chance, how the f*** we gon’ get rich? — J. Cole “Fire Squad”

Time to let go of all inhibitions and do what you want. Life is about living, and money is about hustling. J. Cole ain’t never lied. If you want to get out of the box you need to take a leap forward. If you know what you want, and you feel it deep down inside, you think about it all the time, you can taste it, you dream about it, you breathe it…. then stop acting like a bitch and go for it.

2. List Your Capabilities & Your Cost

Oh Lord, know yourself, know your worth, nigga. — Drake “0–100”

You can’t pimp yourself if you don’t know what you’re selling. Define your product, define your capabilities. Create a cost sheet, list your capabilities in detail, why is your skillset valuable to your customers? How much is it worth? This also connects with number one, don’t be scared to ask for MORE. Sometimes we undervalue ourselves. Think big and make sure your client knows that you are willing to negotiate, the worst you’ll get is a no.

3. Download Contract Templates

I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man!— Jay-Z “Diamonds From Sierra Leon (remix)”

Just because you don’t own a company, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t carry yourself as a company. MAKE CONTRACTS. You’ve figured out what you’re selling and how much it’s worth, now you need to make sure people don’t try to play you. Contract templates are available online. Use them as a starting point, take the time to read them and adjust them to match what you want. You’re the pimp and the hoe! Have it your way, negotiate with your clients, go back and forth on a contract for as long as it takes.

Also, download templates for invoices, logos, whatever you need to make yourself official and to protect yourself from any issues.

Here are some of my fave templates for social media content:

4. Don’t Wait For Inspiration — Go Get Inspired

Work it, make it, do it, makes you, harder, better, faster, stronger — Kanye West “Stronger”

This one is for the creatives. Some people think they need to sit and wait for a big idea to just pop in their head. If you’re a writer, you need to WRITE ALL THE TIME. If you’re a singer you need to SING ALL THE TIME. That’s the only way you will find your inspiration, it’s the only way you will manifest your independence.


And I won’t let you get me down
I’ll keep gettin’ up when I hit the ground
Oh, never give up, no, never give up no, no, oh — Sia “Never Give Up”

Bruh! This venture is only for the real ones. This shit is hard, no lie. You gotta remember that only YOU can see your vision. Don’t expect your friends or your family to FULLY understand the pursuit of your dream. It’s YOURS. When you’re running low on cash, you’re at your lowest point, you can’t expect ANYONE to get what you feel. People will try to convince you to go back to the slave life just so you can pay a few bills, people will try to make you feel bad for stepping outside of the box and withstanding the woes that come with it. Just remember… whatever you see you will be .. but you’ve got to fully believe it yourself. Those doubters, even the ones who mean you no harm, they will see when you ELEVATE to your highest self, they will want to join you in your life of prosperity and freedom but they will be stuck in the same place they were when you were at your worst. Stay true to your vision of independence and you will reach it.

That’s all I’ve got for you. Good luck.

