4 Pathways to Success via Digital Marketing Apprenticeships

Tracy Herrick
Acadium Digital Marketing Apprenticeships
5 min readJun 25, 2018
  1. Free Education as an Alternative to College.

What if you don’t want to go to college? The traditional mythology around finding a successful career is a three step process: graduate high school, go to college, get a good job. All you need to do after that is get married, have kids and you’re done. You’re set for a happy life. Contrary to that story, lectures, textbooks and essays, to say nothing of crippling student loan debt, are not necessary or appropriate for every person.

It is possible not just to survive without a college degree but also be to insanely successful. Time Magazine’s list of highly successful people who never graduated college includes such moguls as Steve Jobs, Ellen Degeneres and Russell Simmons. Here at GenM, our own Founder and CEO, Moe Abbas, was rejected from University. He took that experience and used it as motivation to start teaching himself what he needed to know to become a successful entrepreneur, founding over a dozen companies, with no formal schooling whatsoever.

Maybe you’re a very smart person, but you don’t take tests well, or you just find textbooks and lectures really boring. Maybe you need to work to help support your family and you don’t have time to go to school full-time. Maybe you just don’t want to be paying student loans for the rest of your life. A free online courses and a digital apprenticeship might be a better path for you.

GenM has brought industry experts to create training courses in high-demand digital marketing skills and with our innovative app, you can swipe your way to mastery in SEO, content marketing and social media advertising strategies. Once you match with a mentor aligned with your career interests, it only takes 3 months and 5–10 hours per week to kick off the career of your dreams.

2. Adding Experience to Your College Resume for Internships

What if a college education alone isn’t enough? Maybe you are a current student or new graduate pulling your hair out while scrolling through Indeed and Glassdoor student jobs and internship opportunities. The job market for new college graduates is tough. Entry-level positions are highly competitive and what may come as a shock to many students is that they require experience.

The traditional recommendation is to “pay your dues” and acquire that experience through some paid but mostly unpaid internships. But now, especially in social media and marketing, even unpaid internships are requiring 1–2 years of relevant work experience before they’ll even consider your application.

So, how do you acquire 1–2 years of work experience in the middle of juggling class schedules and studying for exams? You complete the GenM online courses and start an apprenticeship over the summer. If you start during your freshman or sophomore year, you’ll gain enough experience to launch your application to the top of the pile for your ideal internship.

Alternatively, if you build a great relationship with your mentor and add value to their business, you could be offered a position and skip the stereotypical coffee-getting and errand-running intern experience altogether.

3. Upskilling or Making a Major Career Change

What if you want to do more or change directions? Maybe you went to college, got a job in your chosen field but you’re feeling restless and unfulfilled. Maybe you really want a promotion or you want to branch out and start your own business. GenM has you covered either way.

Many companies now require at least a basic knowledge of social media management and marketing as prerequisite for mid and even a lot of entry-level positions. You can spend your weekends learning how to manage Twitter and Instagram accounts and run effective Facebook ad campaigns in real world situations so that, in a matter of months, you can go to your boss and tell them you know exactly who would be a great fit to take ownership of your company’s online presence and strategy: YOU!

Linkedin lists SEO/SEM Marketing, only one of the many training programs GenM has to offer, as one of the most In-Demand Skills of 2018. With this skill, and with the guidance provided by an industry mentor, you could go on to launch your own consulting business. You could also consult on digital content and advertising strategies.

4. Starting Your Own Business as a Stay at Home Mom

What if you’re a busy, stay-at-home Mom and you just don’t have time for all this mess? Maybe you’d like a little more adult interaction. Maybe the kids are in school now and you want to do something for yourself. Maybe you really love Glennon Doyle Melton or Kristina Kuzmic and want to start a blog that other Moms can relate to. That’s awesome!

Once you’ve learned the basics of blog writing and content strategy, GenM can match you with a mentor who is a Mom just like you or who has similar values and goals and can help you grow in the direction you want to go.

From the Tupperware parties of the 1950s to today, many of the jobs out there that are aimed at women in the home have been in sales. Just to get started, a lot of these companies require you to sell products to your own friends and family and not everyone is comfortable with that. Achieving career success via a digital marketing apprenticeship relies on the skills you develop yourself and the connections you make, NOT the connections you already have!


Whether you’re just starting out in life, are in the middle of college, are looking for a change or you’re a Mom on a mission, GenM is a free program that can fit any schedule and has an apprenticeship mentor to match the most diverse interests. From corporate powerhouses, to spiritual life coaches and sports gurus.

When the student is ready, the master appears. Are you ready?

Find out more about how your pathway to success at GenM.



Tracy Herrick
Acadium Digital Marketing Apprenticeships

Content Marketing Apprentice at GenM. Digital Strategist & Storyteller.