Genes Associated with Salinity Stress Resistance in Plants: Role and Applications of the BSP1 Protein

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3 min readMay 16, 2024

Stress response systems in plants

Because plants grow in fixed locations, developing resistance to various environmental stresses is essential for their survival. Among them, salt stress is a major impediment to plant growth, which makes crop production difficult, especially in soils with high salinity. Salt stress is caused by the accumulation of intracellular Na+ ions, resulting in osmotic imbalance and ion concentration imbalance, which leads to stunted development, impaired photosynthesis, and more.

BSP1 protein and salt stress resistance in plants

Recent studies have shown that the BSP1 protein plays an important role in salt stress in plants. BSP1 is a protein involved in plant growth and development, and inhibiting its expression under salinity stress conditions can improve the ability of plants to withstand the stress. Regulating the expression of the BSP1 protein to allow plants to grow significantly under aridity and high salt stress conditions is the focus of this study.

Deletion of the BSP1 protein-coding gene and its effects

Transgenic plants in which the gene coding for the BSP1 protein has been deleted exhibit superior growth under salinity stress conditions. This is because the deletion of the gene suppresses the expression of the BSP1 protein, thereby increasing resistance to salinity stress. These transgenic plants are able to sustain growth in high-salinity environments, which has the effect of increasing crop production.

The SOS signaling system and salt stress response

One of the best-known ion efflux systems in plants is the SOS signaling system. The SOS signaling system consists of the SOS1, SOS2, and SOS3 proteins. SOS1 is a transmembrane protein with Na+/H+ antiporter activity, SOS2 is a serine/threonine protein kinase, and SOS3 is an EF-hand-type calcium binding protein. When plants are subjected to high salt stress conditions, intracellular Ca2+ concentrations increase, and this Ca2+ binds to the SOS3 protein and forms a complex with the SOS2 protein. This complex phosphorylates and activates SOS1, which in turn promotes the efflux of Na+.

The ubiquitin system and stress response

Ubiquitin is a small protein present in all eukaryotes that attaches to target proteins through a cascade of E1, E2, and E3 enzymes. Ubiquitinated proteins are then degraded by the 26S proteasome. This ubiquitination allows plants to selectively degrade useless or harmful proteins under stress conditions. About 5% of genes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) are associated with ubiquitination, of which there are two E1s, at least 37 E2s, and over 1400 E3s. However, only a few of these enzymes are known to be involved in salt stress.

Preparation of transgenic plants with suppressed BSP1 protein expression

To create transgenic plants with suppressed BSP1 protein expression, gene editing techniques are used. Modern gene editing techniques, such as the CRISPR/Cas9 system, can be used to remove the BSP1 coding gene, thereby suppressing the expression of the protein. These transgenic plants can continue to grow even under conditions of desiccation and salinity stress, which is a great benefit to crop production.


The BSP1 protein plays an important role in salt stress tolerance in plants. By suppressing the expression of BSP1 protein, plants can sustain growth in high-salinity environments. These transgenic plants have the potential to increase crop yields under salinity stress conditions. By utilizing gene editing technology to remove the gene coding for the BSP1 protein, it is possible to develop crops with better growth performance.




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