Who Left a Baby at Our Doorstep?

How a surprise DNA match redefined our family story.

Jacqueline Jannotta
Published in
9 min readFeb 19, 2024


Black and white photo with closeup of an infant’s hand in an oversized sleeve. The baby’s sleeve with hand is surrounded by a blanket with non discernable pattern in gray tones.
Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash

One Tuesday in 2017, I woke up to find a baby girl on my family’s doorstep. There was a note pinned to her basket that said, “My name is Suzanna and I belong to you. Please figure out how I fit in.”

Okay, it wasn’t an actual baby. But that’s exactly what it felt like the day I checked the DNA matches I manage and saw the mysterious Suzanna as a “Close Family” match to my mother-in-law and her sons. The mystery, it turns out, was decades in the making.

DNA testing in families is a wonderful, if tricky at times, tool for anyone working on their family tree. And Suzanna’s extraordinarily high amount of common DNA meant that she was either a half-sibling, niece, or granddaughter to my mother-in-law, Evelyn. (Because Evelyn was close to 90 years old, I eliminated the possibility of Suzanna being an aunt or a grandmother.) Suzanna was also a likely first cousin match to my husband and his brothers.

Given that all known family members were accounted for, we had no idea how this woman could be a close relative. Evelyn’s sister had 5 children, but had never been sent away with a secret pregnancy (as happened back in her day). Evelyn’s only brother never married and died when his plane went down in WW2. As for Suzanna being a…



Jacqueline Jannotta

Author (“Let’s Leave the Country!”), ex-Hollywood. I write to help us shift from Me to We, toward a better future. BecomingBetterPeople.us.