Surrender to the Moment

Mindful Moment #1 — with Gentle Persistence

Pause and notice the resistance you are bringing into the present moment.

Photo by CapeCom on Pixabay / Words by Heather Xu

Where is there tension or frustration with the current circumstance? Where is regret clouding the path forward?

Inner resistance can bring clarity to our desires, but if it lingers too long, it inhibits our ability to move forward with ease.

Experiment with allowing yourself to accept ‘what is’ without resistance. This doesn’t mean accepting the circumstance for the long term; rather it means simply acknowledge with objectivity that it is the reality of right now.

When we lower our resistance and relax into the present moment, we create space, clarity and ease that helps us move forward to create the future that we desire.



Heather Daigle Xu
Gentle Persistence

Management consultant turned mindfulness coach. Deep spiritual seeker, mystic and meditation guide. Moves clients from burnout into balance. @gentlepersistence