Love of Animals| No Harm| Gentleness

A Deep Reverence for All Beings

Honouring the feelings of highly sensitive children

Tamara Low
4 min readFeb 11, 2023


Feeding the swans on a similar trip to Sarasota, my ‘happy place’ at around age 4. Likely taken by my dad.

My grandparent’s winter home in Sarasota, Florida, was my happy place!

The layout of the house wrapped around a swimming pool with a canal in the back where you could look down and see the ocean. My love of the ocean and all living beings led me to dream of becoming a Marine Biologist when I got older.

I had no cares in the world while there except for one thing, which I will explain.

Cold Canada to Florida

We flew from Canada to visit them. It was around 1983, and I was approximately ten.

One day, we went out and about exploring with my Grandpa. He had a special presence about him. He was very engaging, dynamic, and truly lived life. My Grandma was more reserved and tougher to know and lovely nonetheless.

We had stopped at a place where he bought live bait for my brother to fish later that day.

Shrimps in a White Bucket

When we got back, they set him up with a fishing rod and off he went. I sat nearby and connected with the interesting large shrimp beings in the white bucket. To me…



Tamara Low

Sensitive reflections, deep connections, Earth love, positivity, inclusivity, authenticity & wild creativity