Starts and Stops and Other Shenanigans

On meeting myself where I’m at

Maia Thom
6 min readApr 1, 2022
A man stands on the edge of a body of water, looking out over the horizon as the light fades in the sky.
Photo by GRAY on Unsplash

I’ve tried to start writing this piece about four or five different times now.

I write, maybe as many as three hundred words, pause to read what I’ve written then decide it’s not quite what I wanted to say, cut it out and stick it in another document labeled as “Kindling.” (Read: these words might have a glimmer of potential maybe but I don’t really like what I’ve written enough to keep going with it but I’m too attached to just delete it because what if a single sentence is really good and I could use it for something one day?)

Some days I come in with this idea of a beautiful title and my brain is all, “That’s the thing!” and then I try and try to get going on it and yet, try as I might, my best attempts never quite seem to be enough.

I was going to write a piece on the power of saying No. That was my idea. It’s something that had me all fired up two days ago, in the wake of my decision to say No to a couple of really beautiful opportunities that, at this moment, just feel like too much for me to take on. But today, those words just don’t seem to be coming.

Sometimes I think when I really like an idea, I put too much pressure on myself. I think, “Oh, this title is really spectacular. You need to write an article that lives…



Maia Thom

embodied poet + storyteller. I work with words to create spaces for people to breathe and come home to themselves.