Unraveling the Wound-Up Coils in My Body

Day 7: An invitation to you to rest for as long as you want

Faith Teo
2 min readDec 7, 2021
Image by author, designed in Canva

Today, I choose to unravel. To lie in bed for long hours. Yes, ma'am, I aim for 4 hours and no less!

To read juicy fan fiction while enjoying the smell of ‘Peace and Calming’ essential oil blend from my glowing diffuser. On plumped-up pillows and the aircon blowing its cool breeze at me.

To say “To the heck with routines!” And relishing my breaths instead of meditating first thing in the morning, quickly quickly, before my son wakes and wants Mommy.

To drop all self-imposed limits, the should’s and have to’s, and instead, ask myself, “What do you want, Faith, this very moment?”

To order whatever I want to eat. No cooking! And not think of what the fam wants to eat above my cravings.

To make my favourite Rooibos tea, with maple syrup and almond milk. And slowly stir and stir, inhaling the aroma before I take my first sip. Aaah….

Putting away my precious to-do list. And the need to feel productive. Because doing more doesn’t mean that I am more worthy.

To stop asking others for their opinions. And instead, to ask myself, “What do I think?” To deepen the practice of trusting myself more and more.

No endless planning for the family. No “oh and what can I do to keep the kids occupied?” The laundry can wait too. The same goes for the dishes. And the tidying up.

Today, I choose to rest. Unapologetically.

I’m always fascinated by tiny shifts. That it need not be massive actions but little sidesteps to transform our lives from meh to succulence.

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Faith Teo

Relearning to dance with life and choosing ease over grind.