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You Need To Follow Them, Now (I Am Deadly Serious)

This article is inspired while talking in the comments with Paolo Ferrari

Genuine Impact
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2024


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UPDATED: 13th March 2024

So yes, if you lack inspiration for writing, go to the comment section, and maybe someone else will inspire you.

Paolo mentioned having a hard time with people who are making fake engagements here and that he is still trying to find some genuine connections.

I was surprised because I believe people who read my stories are honest, fun, and supportive.

Sure, sometimes, I also encounter some ‘fake clappers,’ but I block them as soon as I recognize them or even make a poem about them (thanks to them, I earned some dollars and let my frustration out, haha).

You can read my poem here :D

I decided to introduce my favorite writers (and readers) and update it each time I discover someone new. These are amazing people with whom I’ve made genuine connections.

Ok, so let’s start.

  1. Lucian Ioan Chirilă

Lucian is a fun guy, and I enjoy reading his stories. If you want to learn about writing tips, his experience on Medium, or his road to the diamond in the League of Legends, I recommend checking out his stories.

Even if you’re not familiar with League of Legends, you’ll have fun reading his stories because he consistently compares the wins and losses he experiences in a game with real life, sharing what he learns from it at the end of each story.

2. Rudylee

Rudy was the first person who sparked my interest in writers on Medium. His poetry blew my mind, and I became his fan even before realizing it.

Besides his amazing poetry, he makes amazing illustrations that he adds to his stories. He writes about the past, and the present, and sometimes he shares his opinions about what is going on in the world in an often sarcastic, yet humorous way.

3. Ken Anders

Ken is such a fun guy, and I am happy that I accidentally found his profile.

This story still brings tears to my eyes (from laughter, of course). If you want to support him and boost his writing career, check him out.

He writes a lot about Japan and his experiences there. Sometimes, he shares his daily struggles, and I’m sure he is cooking up a lot of amazing stories in the future for all of us.

4. Midnight Young

I am happy I met her on this platform because we have a lot of things in common.

She also loves to watch Korean, Chinese, and Japanese dramas. She enjoys learning foreign languages.

On her profile, you can find various things, from her favorite dramas and music to Medium tips and some personal life stories.

She is really fun and honest, so check out her profile because I am sure you will find something for yourself there.

5. Jolka

I recently found this profile, and I am enjoying her stories so far.

She writes about positivity and her struggles on Medium but also shares some personal stories.

It is always fun to read her articles, and recently when I was feeling gloomy and not in the mood for writing, after reading her article, I got that boost and motivation to write something.

Her profile is definitely worth checking out.

For today, I will stop here because I got a bit tired, and I want to describe each profile with the same enthusiasm as the first one.

There are many more amazing people to whom I am grateful for deciding to follow me on my journey. I won’t tag them until I mention them, as they deserve. Stay tuned for updates to this article.

If you want to have your favorite writers in one place, check out my first publication, Genuine Impact Publication,

and nominate yourself or others who are making a genuine impact in this whole community.”

p.s. Feel free to share your favorite people on Medium in the comments, or start this challenge with me and write an article about your favorite people that you’ve met here. :D

Feel free to tag me when you write it, so I can meet more amazing people :D

Let’s show those fake clappers and fake connections who will win this battle against fakeness in Medium.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash



Genuine Impact

When I am not making 3D visualizations of interiors and exteriors in my 3D studio, I am writing and making Youtube 3D modeling tutorials and learning languages.