Generation Guide: Gen Z

Ruth Ileka
Gen Unison
Published in
7 min readAug 27, 2023

Generation Z is made up of 68 million people in the United States and is a smaller group when compared to other generational cohorts such as the larger Baby Boomers and the Millennial Generation.

What is Gen Z?

Gen Z is the generation after Millennials and their parents come from Gen X. Gen Z was born between 1997–2012 and is known as the most diverse generation in human history. Generation Z is often called digital natives because they are the first generation that grew up entirely on the internet and social media. Many Gen Zers also grew up with a smartphone. Compared to other generations, Gen Z formed their worldview and friendships with the influence of the internet and social media.
Generation Z is made up of 68 million people in the United States and is a smaller group when compared to other generational cohorts such as the larger Baby Boomers and the Millennial Generation.

Gen Z Definition

Gen Z’s media habits play a crucial role in shaping their identity. Raised in a world dominated by smartphones and tablets, these devices have become their preferred means of interaction. With an average of 3 hours daily spent on mobile devices, Gen Z possesses an inherent tech-savviness that sets them apart. This inclination extends to their banking behavior, prioritizing debit cards and mobile banking for financial management.

Shaped by events like smartphones, social media, war, and their parents’ financial struggles, Gen Z adopts a financially cautious approach. They actively avoid debt and seek financial solutions that align with this mindset. Seeking financial literacy, they start savings accounts earlier, showcasing their commitment to securing their financial future. This generational shift underscores the significance of technology and fiscal prudence in defining Gen Z’s financial landscape.

What are Gen Z’s Characteristics?

Gen Z is considered the most diverse generation and the most technologically savvy generation when compared with older generations. Gen Z’s values include authenticity, inclusivity, and social justice. They are independent thinkers who prioritize work-life balance and seek flexible career options. They are also concerned about environmental sustainability and mental health. Gen Zers are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, often using social media to express themselves. They are the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, shaping their worldview and interactions with others.

Historical Events That Shaped Gen Z:

  • The Great Recession of 2008
  • The election of the first black President, Barack Obama, in 2008 made this diverse generation believe that people from any background could hold the highest office
  • The rise of social media and the internet as a dominant force in everyday life
  • The legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015
  • The #MeToo movement and increased awareness of sexual harassment and assault
  • The ongoing climate crisis and student-led activism for environmental change
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on daily life and global society

Gen Z vs. Millennials

Gen Z and Millennials grew up with a heavy influence of digital technology, the internet, and social media. Gen Z has been more influenced by social media as they are the first generation to grow up with social media for their entire lives. Millennials were involved with inventing and advancing social media platforms in their teens and early adulthood.

Millennials are known for their willingness to collaborate in teams to share responsibility in work projects. Gen Z tend to aspire to be entrepreneurs who are freelancers or remote workers who work more often on solo projects. This doesn’t mean that all from the Millennial generation or Generation Z fit these tendencies, however, studies suggest that this is an emerging trend between adjacent generations.

Both Gen Z and Millennials grew up knowing about the threat of Climate Change. However, Gen Z has experienced the current climate crisis in its escalated state their entire lives which is why they report suffering more from climate anxiety.

Gen Z and Millennials both grew up with streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, which they both prefer over television. They are the main reason for the decline in cable television viewership. These younger generations are also more likely to get their news from social media and YouTube new media channels than traditional media preferred by the prior generations.

Gen Z vs. Gen X

Gen X are predominantly the parents of Gen Z. Gen X grew up with analog technology such as cassette tapes, vinyl records, and VCR tapes that needed to be rewound or manually operated. Another example of analog tech would be classical clocks and watched with hands on the numbered face of a clock. Eventually, these analog technologies were replaced by digital technology like CDs and DVDs as they entered into their teens or adulthood. In contrast, Gen Z grew up with iPods, iPads, digital smartphones, and digital computers with high-speed internet connection.

Gen X grew up with physical yearbooks with their portraits while Gen Z grew up with Facebook which was originally modeled as a digital yearbook. While Gen X had to adapt to radically changing technology, Gen Z grew up with high-tech devices and high-speed internet which taught them to adapt to emerging software and online trends.


Millennials are considered digital natives since they grew up with the development of the internet, social media, and mobile devices. Some Millennials also designed new social media networks such as Facebook. Gen Z, on the other hand, grew up in a world with increasingly sophisticated technology. Given that they were raised with cell phones, constant connectivity, and an even stronger integration of technology into their daily life, they are frequently referred to as “digital natives on steroids.” Gen Z learned to adapt to a rapidly evolving digital landscape during the rise of new social media platforms, new media news sources, and peak competition of YouTube channels.


In terms of race, culture, and identity, Gen Z is regarded as being the most varied generation. They were raised during a period of rapid advancement in the discussion of inclusivity, representation, and acceptance of many backgrounds and orientations. Although Gen Z tends to place an even greater emphasis on social justice and equality than Millennials do, they both cherish diversity

Political Engagement

Millennials have been classified as politically active, frequently speaking out in favor of issues they support including social justice, gender equality, and environmental issues. This generation, known as Gen Z, has been actively involved in a number of social and political campaigns, including those for LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, and gun control. They have a reputation for being activists, and they are more likely to use social media to voice their ideas and make a difference.

Education/Career Outlook

Millennials faced the effects of the 2008 financial crisis while coming of age during a time of economic abundance. They struggled to obtain permanent jobs and frequently pursued further education to improve their career prospects. Gen Z, on the other hand, is a generation that has grown up in a post-recession society and is aware of how the nature of employment has changed. They may place more importance on alternative career routes like freelancing or founding their own firms, are more entrepreneurial, and value practical skills.

Generation Z in the Workplace

Generation Z is significantly impacting the job market through their distinct work preferences. This entrepreneurial cohort shows a strong leaning towards remote and freelance work, evident from recent research. They are attracted to the freedom and autonomy of remote work, aiding work-life balance and creativity. Studies also find them excelling independently, taking charge and solving problems, enhancing productivity. As the job market adapts to these shifts, many Gen Zers seek roles aligning with their remote and freelance preferences, prompting companies to adopt flexible policies to attract and retain them. Gen Z’s entry has prompted transformative change, underscoring the need for adaptable workspaces catering to their entrepreneurial and remote work aspirations.

Top 10 Famous Gen Z’ers

  • Billie Eilish — Singer and songwriter
  • Zendaya — Actress and singer
  • Emma Chamberlain — YouTuber and social media influencer
  • Halle Bailey — Singer, songwriter, actress
  • Malala Yousafzai — Activist and Nobel Prize winner
  • Greta Thunberg — Environmental activist
  • Amanada Gorman — American poet and activist
  • Ice Spice — Rapper
  • Emma Chamberlain — YouTuber and social media influencer
  • Timothee Chalamet — Actor and model.

Are you a Gen Z or a Millennial?

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, whereas Generation Z was born between 1995 and 2012. The eldest Millennials reached 40 in 2019, indicating that they had been a part of adult life for some time. The oldest members of Gen Z are already in their late 20s, and the majority are still in their teens or younger. This generation is now developing into young adults.

