Hacktoberfest at Genymobile

Aurélien Gâteau
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2019

Last October was Hacktoberfest, a yearly event to encourage everybody to contribute to open source projects.

This year Genymobile gave the opportunity to its employees to participate to this event. Friday, October 18th, was set aside as a day when every interested employees (not only developers) could work on whatever open source projects piqued their interest.

We prepared a few days before by listing potentially interesting projects (a nice opportunity for some of us to sneak in some of our own creations ;) ) and in the morning of October 18th we joined a dedicated video conference and Slack channel and started working.

The video conference and Slack channel were a nice way to share pull requests being opened and to seek help, for example when we got stuck by some esoteric build problems… (no one wants to spend a day like this fighting a build system!)

I think we all had a great time, it felt special to be with your colleagues in a different context, not completely unlike a team building exercise :)

Here are the contributions we made:


Command line tool for GitHub daily work.

  • Added a command option to filter pull request list per label
  • Added Slack integration, so that one can publish a daily report on Slack seamlessly

Coffee Connection

Connect people for a coffee using Slack.

  • Coding style cleanup
  • Rework data structures and unit-tests (still in progress)


Diablo (the video game) build for modern operating systems.

  • Refactored some build scripts
  • Improved documentation (added missing dependency)
  • Reworked network modes to fix compilation warnings


Desktop log file viewer.

  • Added a text view to show the raw version of the selected log line

Pixel Wheels

Cross-platform (Android, Windows, macOS and Linux) retro arcade racing game.

  • Modified the game menu UI so that touching a selected item now validates the user choice


Tool to inject scripts in a Qt app.

  • Created README.md
  • Extended script API

Antenna Pod

Android podcast application.

  • Filed bug report
  • Added feature to podcast list management


IRC Client library written in Ocaml.

  • Fixed an issue when a nickname is already in use


Job scheduler where jobs stays alive between runs.

  • Added comment options for verbosity and debugging
  • Added InfluxDB client
  • Refactored Comcast module


Raster graphics editor.

  • Fixed a typo in the code
  • Fixed a UI freeze with Rectangle Selection tool (not merged yet)


Opinionated markdown slides generator.

  • Project MVP


Github Pull request viewer.

  • Installation procedure update, minor updates


Kids coding class — base library for game development.

  • Improved map editor navigation
  • Improved code quality (enforcing coding style with flake8)
  • Improved documentation

That’s it for us! I am looking forward to Hacktoberfest 2020. If you are wondering if getting your company to sponsor a day of open source contribution is a good idea, I warmly recommend doing so!

