Weekly #31 – The End? 👋

Final Android Dev review

Amaël Sikel
2 min readJan 29, 2018


Is Android P Android Pineapple? 🤔

What do you mean by “The End?”

Scroll to the end 😉

January 22–28








The end?

Thanks for reading this far! I hope you liked this new issue and found valuable information in it 🙂 I have to tell you one thing though… I will not write any other weekly issue. I’ve decided to focus more on my new little project 👇

I will however remain around here on Medium, on Twitter, probably write new stuff, I don’t know… For now I’m focused on coding 👨‍💻🔥

It was a pleasure doing those 30+ recap issues for you. If you’re looking for other places to stay in touch with the industry, here are a few I cannot recommend enough 🙏

Thanks for everything! As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or thoughts, please leave a comment below. I wish you all the best! Take care 👋

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Amaël Sikel

Hairy guy with a backpack • Android developer • @Udacity ABND graduate • @ParisAndroidUG & @AndroidMakersFR staff member • Formerly at @Genymotion