Why we always need to improve

Megan Tee
Dreamer’s Journal
2 min readJun 23, 2019


You had it so much easier and better than us. What do you have to complain about?

For me I strongly believe that we should always be pointing out what is wrong and trying to fix it. To have a healthy debate, and to always improve.

This is because there is always something to learn. Something to know, in any field, regardless of the time. We should always strive to create a better world for those who would come after us.

Because there will be a day when our systems will break down. When times change and they no longer serve us as well. When adjusting has to happen.

Or when others start seeing for its flaws and weaknesses and exploit it. That is how societies rise and fall. They have an exponential growth, sometimes they reform and manage to keep up with the times. Other times, they do not and are gobbled up by other powers.

This is a simple lesson that history has taught us time and time again, and yet we do not see it.

Remaining stagnant is never a good thing, since the more time passes the more time people become accustomed or perhaps even find ways to game a system. And then it becomes unequal, or some exploit it at the expense of others.

Because I strongly believe that we have to keep on improving, since it is unlikely that we will ever have an utopia. But to create one where anyone and everyone feels as though they are equally treated, rewarded and most importantly feel happy and satisfied with their lives.

That is the idea of progress isn’t it? To create a better life for someone else, and I do hope that we do not need extreme violence to always learn important lessons. That we can perhaps learn them in a less painful way.

Instead of losing those rights and realizing just how powerful they are, or through horrendous acts committed, we instead learn to observe and see the trends of huge declines and what is the result. We have history to use as examples and data, that itself is full of human errors, and by analyzing them we can figure out when is current news headed towards a steep decline.

That is also progress, isn’t it? And which is better, to learn it after blood has been spilled or perhaps without.



Megan Tee
Dreamer’s Journal

Writer, dreamer, always always working on my novel, caffeine affect, dabbling in game development and caffeine addiction. Went from tech to the social sciences.