Your motivation must come from within

Megan Tee
Dreamer’s Journal
3 min readSep 9, 2019


Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

This is the lesson we always but that can rarely be the case. I admit I was enthralled by Medium because I could earn. And seeing how some writers made a living out of their writing, it was certainly encouraging.

Even as I admit, I have only earned over a dollar in the past three weeks. Sounds nothing like the success many imagine; I did so too. But it’s okay because it’s a start.

But if that was all it caught me, the opportunity to earn easy money, then I would have left. Like so many things I have done before. Heck, with even more passion and drive than this.

Money can only keep someone going for so long. If it was money I was really after, I will have kept the previous job I had. I earned quite a bit, but I didn’t want that. Because after a while, even the money didn’t seem like a good substitute when I was absolutely miserable. I hated going to work, and there was once when I couldn’t get any sleep.

So I quit, I found a reason to wriggle out of work for the last two weeks. Once I got my pay, I quit. I had earned and had enough. Nothing about it could really get me back.

But despite earning barely a pittance, I’m still going. In fact, I’m even more driven than I ever have before. Because the answer as I learned was from within. It was something that I had found.

I entered Medium for the first time. I had exhausted basically all options beforehand. I had only thought about it because it seemed easy. It was not, even as I’m about to pass my first month on Medium.

But I never found it to be difficult, it was enjoyable. Just as much as this has made me so self-aware. It made me realize a lot more about myself, questioning plenty of decisions when it was needed or even necessary. And looking at it with introspection was amazing for me. I learned so much about it.

It also made me so satisfied. Then, the money just didn’t seem to matter anymore. I enjoyed reading and writing on here, I enjoyed all the time I spent on writing each work.

Even as it was trial and error, in a way that I didn’t expect. Some of them I will just look a mere three weeks later, and regret it. Yes, I have regretted quite a bit of the writing I did here. But I was also so very proud of some of them.

Just as I’m convinced to see my month of writing a piece for Medium each day to the end. Because it has given me so much insight into who I am and kept me going. As much as it was such a great place for me to really share my experiences but also to expand my mind, and at the same time understand who I was.

And of course, understanding how to find something deep within myself to keep me going.



Megan Tee
Dreamer’s Journal

Writer, dreamer, always always working on my novel, caffeine affect, dabbling in game development and caffeine addiction. Went from tech to the social sciences.