Creating maps, creating new stories

Anastasia Sarelli
GEO University Learning Content
2 min readSep 23, 2018

Maps. The tool for our eyes to comprehend the spatial world at smaller scales. Each map can represent a different story, depending on the concept that is illustrated each time. And, by story, it is meant the data or the combination of data that are used each time for the creation of the map.

Day by day, the difficulty in creating such tool is decreased. Thanks to new technologies and the massive availability of data, everyone is able to create a map. And what can this map represent? Anything that has spatial attributes! Whichever element has a defined location can be represented on a map. In urban planning, for example, buildings can be illustrated as polygons, roads as lines and trees as points.

Several types of maps do exist. Point maps, chloropleth maps and heatmaps are some, each one using different methods for the representation of information. Moreover, several tools are available for the map design. Many desktop GIS platforms are offered for the visualization of geospatial data and creation of maps (e.g. QGIS, ArcGIS, GRASS GIS, etc.) Apart from them, many other types of geospatial tools exist. Web map servers (e.g. Geoserver) and spatial database management systems (e.g. PostGIS) are some of these tools, expanding the exposure and the interaction of a created map through the web.

GEO University provides online courses dedicated to map creation, either by learning spatial visualization methods and rules using a desktop GIS software or by creating your own webGIS map using Python and PostGIS.

Find out which courses they are in the link below:

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