GEO Premium and EO-VLab!

GEO University
GEO University Learning Content
3 min readMar 8, 2019
Start leveraging the benefits of cloud processing and advanced Earth Observation and GIS algorithms

As you probably already know GEO Premium is our subscription package to get ALL of our online courses in a single pack, affordable!

The past months we have been working very hard to deliver you new courses, so you can enhance and develop further your skills. We are proud to say that we have just reached 36 online courses, with more than 60 hours of training. Many more courses are coming, so stay tuned!

But we didn’t stop only to courses.

Now GEO Premium comes together with software tools, data and access to satellite data processing & visualization platforms! So when you get GEO Premium Subscription, together with the 36 (and growing) courses you also get:

  1. A Linux VM to download with pre-installed software to used along with the online courses
  2. 5 processing hours (valid for 2 weeks) for FREE at the EO-VLab platform

Combining online courses, software tools, data, processing & visualization platforms, at our very low price, you get the ultimate educational package in GIS and Earth Observation!

To celebrate this milestone, we provide for a limited time GEO Premium Subscription with only 6$ per month (billed annually) instead of 8$ per month (billed annually).

Virtual EO Lab by NewMap

Just quickly describe EO-VLab:

Extremely advanced, user friendly platform allowing to perform a wide range of activities aimed at (but not limited to) EO data processing in different dimensions and models, built mostly upon advanced Hexagon Geospatial M.App Enterprise solution

Built mostly upon advanced Hexagon Geospatial M.App Enterprise solution providing:

  1. Access to Copernicus satellite data available on CREODIAS platform
  2. Efficient and scalable cloud processing environment (EO Virtual Lab solution pilot has been implemented in CREODIAS Front Office)
  3. Web-based GUI for building spatial models (based on drag-drop principle);
  4. More than 400 spatial operators and development kits, supporting wide array of geoprocessing activities possible to be combined with advanced business analytics;
  5. Possibility to easily build dynamic dashboards with user-friendly interfaces;
  6. Options to deploy own customized models, scripts and other elements of the processing or analysis;
  7. Simple and efficient way to publish on the Web services for external users;
  8. Advanced user access control and management (e.g. with possibility for a teacher to manage access details for his students within the assigned school environment or in commercial use to control access to published services by different customers);
  9. Detailed control of resources use allowing for flexible billing schemes;
  10. Simplicity of use as basically no programming skills are required. The interface is self-guiding, allowing for investigative learning;
  11. Possibility to re-use Hexagon ERDAS or Smart M.Apps related knowledge and experience as all these products have common roots.

Start using Virtual EO Lab now! Get 5 hours of processing usage as a gift together with GEO Premium Subscription

