Five Commitments from GEODNET.

Five Commitments to GEODNET’s Community

Mike Horton
2 min readMar 2, 2023


A #DePIN Crypto Project That Won’t Screw You.

In a time of continued uncertainty and bad actors in the crypto space, GEODNET wants to make it clear we are committed to these values:

Quality & Coverage

GEODNET is committed to the long-term as a responsible Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Project (#DePIN) by building the biggest and highest quality Geo-Spatial Reference Network in the world.

Community of Integrity

GEODNET is committed to maintaining transparency and integrity in all aspects of the project. We will keep the community informed of important developments with customers and miner community.

Blockchain Centric

GEODNET believes that public Blockchain technology is core to building a scalable, decentralized network, and the GEOD utility token as the primary basis of utility exchange.

Support Useful Applications

GEODNET will work with traditional high-accuracy customers as well as numerous new exciting applications to create value for all GEODNET network participants.

Maintain Decentralization

Many venture capital firms are misaligned with the ideals of Web3 or shown to embrace or worse promote Web3 in name only. GEODNET plans to only work with investors that truly embrace decentralized organizations.

Join Us.

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