chedda | Using UX to Help Your Saving

Geoff Tribe
Geoff Tribe XP


helping people save so “chedda” ain’t a thing.

Kiel Cummings | Ben Jenkins | Geoff Tribe

the problem

based on research data by the financial industry regulatory authority, 63% of americans are
financially illiterate. they lack the basic skills to reconcile their bank accounts, pay their bills on time, pay off debt and plan for the future. another recent survey found that 62% of americans have $1,000 or less saved up; one out of five has nothing saved at all.


  1. conduct interviews to find out how people save and become financially educated.
  2. use interviews to find consistent pain points.
  3. find the pains and ideate solutions.
  4. create a solution and test it.

the research

we sat down with individuals to better understand why people are not saving and find how we could help.

also, we talked with others who are trying to solve the financial problem.

our findings led us to see that most people didn’t have a way of being educated about saving.

consistent pain points

  1. users did not feel like they had been properly educated on saving and debt
  2. there is little gratification in saving

developing the persona

using our research we created the following persona.

the scenario

our user checks their chedda app once a week to get updated on their saving and get advice/motivation for saving. the user should be updated on their saving status as soon as they log in and the content should assist them in their education.

user story

user story map

wireframes and site mapping


as we tested our wireframe prototype, we realized that the navigation was disrupting flow. the user would almost alway refer to the top left navigation button to perform tasks that could be done within the dashboard.

also, some features were potentially distracting from the main task of chedda. a reassessment of our functionality was apparent. as we moved forward, we decided to remove videos from our design. videos is a great feature, however, it would be a better second phase to our design.

developing style


hi-fidelity work

early design testing

as we started testing our design we found our early designs to conflict with contrast. white with our orange was difficult to see. also, we found that our navigation was still distracting from our value.

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finalizing the design

the dashboard

our final dashboard design we adjusted the colors to assist the contrast. we changed the information architecture on our dashboard so that the feed/chat is displayed clearly. chedda’s value is in bring content specific to the user’s goal. we thought it would be best if that is displayed upon login.


