Papua New Guinea

Beautifully Diverse and Dramatic Landscapes

M. Roman
Geography Info


Papua New Guinea is a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean. People have been living in this area for thousands of years. Even today, the people of this country still hold on to many of their old cultures. Papua New Guinea is one of the least known regions of the world in modern times. Scientists and nature lovers still flock to the deep jungles of Papua New Guinea in search of new animals and trees. In this article, we will learn about Papua New Guinea, which covers half of the world’s second-largest island.

Papua New Guinea is located on the second largest island in the world. The name of the island as a whole is New Guinea. The country of Papua New Guinea covers about half of the eastern part of the island. The rest of the island has two Indonesian provinces, Papua and West Papua.

The capital of Papua New Guinea is Port Moresby. The area of ​​the country is 462,840 square kilometers. There are about six hundred islands under this country. It is the most diverse country in the world in terms of language population. There are over 800 indigenous languages ​​spoken in Papua New Guinea. Of these, the number of many languages-speaking communities is less than one thousand. However, there are only three official languages ​​in the country. The languages ​​are Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu, and English.

