24 Reasons & 144 Billion Delta Virus Particles To Take Delta VERY Seriously

“99% of all successful [Covid] transmissions come from three or fewer virus particles.”

“A study published in [the journal] Science in April [2021] … put the number of transmitted virus particles at infection between one and eight.”

1. If you’re only PCR testing individuals once-a-day for Delta, there’s a gap of at least eight hours between when they’ll become infectious and when you’ll pick up the infection.

This is based on the results of a selection from 30 million PCR tests carried out between May 26, 2021 and June 8, 2021:

2. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Delta variant is as transmissible as:

– Chicken Pox

and more transmissible than:

– MERS & SARS; Ebola; Common cold; Seasonal flu & 1918 (“Spanish”) flu; and Smallpox:

3. Delta is causing 1000 times more virus in infected people.

Dr Fauci, the US President’s chief pandemic adviser, referred to this research finding when he stated in an interview:

“Fauci said that data shows people infected with the delta variant have viral levels “about 1,000 times higher in quantity” than were recorded in people who were infected with the alpha variant, also known as the U.K. variant…”

4. Largest study to date analysing more than 40,000 COVID-19 cases (including a combination of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals) confirmed by virus genome sequencing finds a two-fold increased risk of hospitalisation from delta versus alpha variant infections.

“Individual-level data on 43,338 COVID-19-positive patients (8682 with the delta variant, 34,656 with the alpha variant; median age 31 years were included in our analysis)… Results suggest that outbreaks of the delta variant in unvaccinated populations might lead to a greater burden on health-care services than the alpha variant.”


6. A peer-reviewed study in The Lancet found:

“Reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 under endemic conditions would likely occur between 3 months and 5·1 years after peak antibody response, with a median of 16 months. This protection is less than half the duration revealed for the endemic coronaviruses circulating among humans.”



50% of Indian Health Care Workers infected by Delta already had previous COVID19 strains:

In the following documented and whole genome sequenced peer-reviewed cases:

A Fully Vaccinated Health Worker suffered Severe SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Reinfection With Delta Variant After Recovery From Breakthrough Infection by Alpha Variant (all cases genomically sequenced, including from the fully vaccinated index case):

7. We are seeing reports of Parkinson’s-like manifestations & now issues with parts of the brain responsible for memory:

“The sense of smell is also important to Alzheimer’s research, as some data has suggested that those at risk for the disease have a reduced sense of smell.”


“In August 2021, a preliminary but large-scale study investigating brain changes in people who had experienced COVID-19 drew a great deal of attention within the neuroscience community.

“In that study, researchers relied on an existing database called the UK Biobank, which contains brain imaging data from over 45,000 people in the U.K. going back to 2014.

“The team found marked differences in gray matter – which is made up of the cell bodies of neurons that process information in the brain – between those who had been infected with COVID-19 and those who had not…”


This is the paper to which the author of that The Conversation piece refers:

And here’s 24 papers on the impact of Covid infection, via auto immune responses and other mechanisms on brain function:

8. Around 16–20% of people including those with mild infections experience symptoms for six months or more – see UK government preprint analysing 500,000 cases, mostly pre-Delta:

A large study of children and young people who caught SARS-CoV-2 has found that as many as one in seven (14%) may still have symptoms 15 weeks later.

The researchers contacted young people aged 11–17 from the database of test results held by Public Health England from January to March 2021.

They sent questionnaires to 220 000 young people in England and received 17 000 responses.

And the paper itself:

And another one, in Nature:

9. Multiple recorded and genomically sequenced cases of people catching Delta from momentarily passing by people in public spaces inside and outside (though unmasked):

Channel 9News Sydney:

and another case, also broadcast on Channel 9News Sydney:

and The Guardian:

10. At an outdoor music event in the Netherlands 1000 people were infected with Delta:

At least 5,000 Delta infections resulted from one music festival held in the UK during the summer of 2021.

“[A new Delta strain was first recorded at Boardmasters Festival and] …is being referred to among hospital staff in Devon and Cornwall as the “festival variant”, it is believed to be a new strain of Delta rather than an entirely new variant…”

Worth noting that all Boardmasters Festival goers had to adhere to this Covid Policy, which involved showing proof of vaccination, previous infection or negative Rapid Lateral Flow Tests results:

11. Victoria State Health Authority Chief Health Officer in Australia stated this week that

“they have seen transmission between strangers, sitting outside the *whole time*, at a sports event.”

12. Repeatedly since February 2020 researchers across the world have proven that airborne transmission occurs hours after index patient has gone away.

Covid lingers in air particularly in loos:

Turns out that not only is Covid transmitted across long distances inside aerosols, long after an often unknowing and asymptomatic infectious patient leaves a room, but this is the MAJOR transmission mode of most if not all other respiratory viruses:


This means that any infection mitigation system that relies on the so-called “Droplet Dogma” (that Covid transmits inside large droplets expelled as we cough or sneeze to others within a metre or two of the transmitter) will fail.

Wearing a surgical mask won’t prevent tiny aerosols from passing directly down into our lungs as we breath in the expelled air of others who’ve shared the same air as us, even if they left the room long ago.

Such tiny Delta carrying aerosols are particularly dangerous as they can easily reach the inside of our lungs intact and begin to replicate inside us.

13. Turns out vaccine efficacy at population scale is related to exposure opportunities.

Basically, the more Covid-19 rips the less efficacious vaccines become:

And because of Delta’s antigenic vaccine-escape qualities, as well as its greater infectiousness:

In a nutshell: with Delta, even if we’re double vaxxed, we’ve basically got the same chances against the virus as we had unvaxxed against WildWuhan strain.


“Delta shows greater replication in airway… Delta’s spike has enhanced entry efficiency assoc with a cleaved shaped spike… This cleaved shaped spike confers greater syncytium formation (fuses cells and locks out anti-gens like vaccines)… Breakthrough Delta infections in AstraZeneca and evasion of neutralising antibodies from prior infection…”

15. Delta is hospitalising more children than at any other time of the pandemic.

“…2% [of Delta infected children] across the state required hospitalisation…”

It’s not clear yet whether or not Delta actually targets children more than any other variant.

Epidemiologists have long known that a more transmissible disease is likely to negatively impact a population to a much greater extent than a less transmissible disease that is more pathogenic.

Yet, Delta is over 100% more transmissible than the original wild wuhan variant and, in unvaccinated populations like children, it’s hospitalising up to 2% of those infected.

By comparison, in March 2020 we were anchored into believing that the wild/Wuhan variant hospitalised 1% of adults infected by it!

So, Delta is more transmissible than other variants, except that Delta’s progeny are even more infectious than bog standard Delta:

So even though Delta (B.1.617.2) is dying out, it is being replaced by even more transmissible variations.

These AY variants of the variant Delta are winning an evolutionary arms race against Delta:

Delta, which describes the original and its progeny, is leading, in the countries which are neglecting to halt its transmission, to SO many more infections.

Because of this, Delta is affecting many more (especially unvaccinated) children than any other variant has since the beginning of the pandemic:

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7036e2.htm?s_cid=mm7036e2_w

Two million children in England have now been infected by Covid, including 1.4m children since July 2021:

Infection of children with Corona has been proven to lead to transmission chains with adults:


“This study suggests that younger children may be more likely to transmit SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with older children, and the highest odds of transmission was observed for children aged 0 to 3 years. Differential infectivity of pediatric age groups has implications for infection prevention within households, as well as schools/childcare, to minimize risk of household secondary transmission. Additional population-based studies are required to establish the risk of transmission by younger pediatric index cases.”


Besides, in this September 2021 survey of 390 papers focussing on asymptomatic transmission entitled “Asymptomatic Infection’s the Pandemic’s Dark Matter” it’s stated:

“…asymptomatic infection varies markedly by age…in children (47%)…has long been known that infectivity in individuals without symptoms makes communicable disease epidemics more difficult to control (3). Respiratory viral loads in asymptomatic individuals do not differ from viral loads in symptomatic infections…Systematic testing in Israeli schools placed the frequency of asymptomatic infection in children at 51 to 70%…»


Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19 Screening and Mitigation Measures for Primary School Children Attending School in Liège, Belgium

“…reconstruction of the outbreak revealed that most transmission events occurred between teachers and between children within the school. Of the observed household transmission events, most seemed to have originated from a child or teacher who acquired the infection at school.

“CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Despite the implementation of several mitigation measures, the incidence of COVID-19 among children attending primary school in this study was comparable to that observed among teachers and parents. Transmission tree reconstruction suggests that most transmission events originated from within the school. Additional measures should be considered to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at school, including intensified testing.”


Nice work kids- two red squares get Corona from their dad then genomic sequencing shows how the children spread it onwards:

16. Scottish health service data about vaccine effectiveness against infection:

“Showed that, compared to those unvaccinated at least 14 days after the 2nd dose of Pfizer: 92% non-Delta & 79% Delta. Protection v infection with AstraZeneca was: 73% non-Delta cases v 60% Delta.”

17. According to Israeli Health Ministry data, during its current Delta outbreak:

That’s right, vaccine effectiveness of double vaccinated Pfizer is 39% against Delta (though fortunately only 1 in 10 are getting severe Covid).

These data also show:

16 percent effectiveness against transmission of Delta among those vaccinated in January 2021 compared to 44 percent of those vaccinated in February;

67 percent of those who received their shots in March; and

75 percent for those vaccinated in April 2021:

These twin features of Delta – increased transmissibility combined with Vaccine escape qualities –

“can carry the variant to high frequency, at which point partial immune escape may limit the ability of vaccination to control the epidemic. Our findings suggest that moderate immune escape poses a low risk unless combined with a substantial increase in transmissibility.”

18. Peer-reviewed research published in the world leading Clinical Infectious Diseases journal (Oxford University Press) into the Wild/Wuhan Corona variant that spread across the world from January 2020 demonstrated that:

“Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients exhaled millions of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 RNA copies per hour, which plays an important role in COVID-19 transmission.”

Now, as of September 2021, in the latest research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, we now know that Alpha infectious carriers breath out 18 times the number of virus particles as those infected with the Wild/Wuhan variant did:

19. So, we now know that Delta has about “1000 times more virus particles than Alpha” (https://virological.org/t/viral-infection-and-transmission-in-a-large-well-traced-outbreak-caused-by-the-delta-sars-cov-2-variant/724).

We also know that Alpha had 18 times more virus particles than the WildWuhan version.

And we know that the WildWuhan version infectious people breathed out about 1m virus particles every hour.

Therefore, in the course of an hour one asymptomatic or presymptomatic Delta infected person would expel about EIGHTEEN BILLION Delta virus particles. EIGHTEEN BILLION of something it takes less than ten of to infect us with. In. One. Hour.

Remember this ☝🏾 from before?

Well, it depicts the scientifically/peer-reviewed reality that if you’re a suspected Delta case, you may become infectious within the twenty-four-hour period between once-a-day PCR tests.

You’d need to be PCR tested at least once every eight hours, if you want to catch the moment when you become infectious!

This means that an average infectious Delta patient will breath out around ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR BILLION virus particles of Delta, before their infectiousness is detected using PCR tests.

This means that ANY risk mitigation system which relies on identifying those with symptoms or which relies once-a-day only PCR testing will ALWAYS fail.

Delta will ALWAYS win through.

20. Very many experts predict that we have decades of worse variants than Delta ahead of us, before Covid becomes as innocuous as flu:

UK government’s Scientific Advice Group on Emergencies (SAGE) has this to say about the future evolution of Covid:


And furthermore:

So, we see, not only us there NO evidence that Covid is evolving into a less benign variant, there’s oodles of evidence that it’s getting a whole lot worse.

I’m as pro-Wishful Thinking as anyone, but we gotta follow the science, not some disinformation narrative that underpins Mass Infection policies. 🙏🏾

21. We also know from Australian State of Victoria Health Authority modelling that just one sneeze travels around even well ventilated hospital settings and under doors within a minute of being expelled:

These three hundred litres of air would carry around a whole building about EIGHTEEN BILLION Delta virus particles.

In the space of the eight hours an infectious Delta patient will be spreading Delta before their infection is picked up by a once-in-every-twenty-four hour PCR testing regime, they would breath out at least ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR BILLION Delta virus particles suspended inside two-thousand-four-hundred-litres of air.

This is what we’re up against, with Delta.

Imagine being in a car with that!

Even with open windows, if you’re susceptible, you’d be pretty lucky to avoid infection.

That’s enough infected air to turn almost any building without proper ventilation into a biological weapon!

The European Union, by the way, classifies Covid as a “Class 3 Biological Agent:”

Scientists have classified Covid’s mode of entry into our bodies’ cells as

a Class I viral fusion protein:

But, even with proper ventilation, say, you’re riding in a car with all of the windows open and someone lights a cigarette.

You think you’d at least smell that smoke?


Well, that means you’re breathing in the smoker’s expelled breath.

That’s the problem, you see?!

If they got Delta, so will you, if you’re susceptible.

22. This capacity for Delta to spread long before PCR tests can pick it up probably explains how, for example, in research published on 29 July 2021 in the journal EuroSurveillance, six days after the discharge of the index patient, the first two secondary case-patients tested positive for Delta:

“Genomic sequencing of all of the infections demonstrated that that index patient’s infection led to 58 infections and 18 deaths in a situation where hospital standard PPE was worn the whole time; where the hospital actually knew the index patient had Delta and so executed careful routines to protect everyone; there were regular PCR routines and almost everyone impacted was vaccinated, mostly with Pfizer.”

23. In the aforementioned research quoted by Dr Fauci:

“The Index Delta Case seeded an outbreak of Delta resulting in 167 infections with the same genome as that of the index patient. Thirty Million people were PCR tested in the space of a week to contain that Delta outbreak.”

24. As Dr Fauci reported in that interview (linked to above), of the people with mild seeming infections many are affected cognitively.

And such allegedly “mild” infections are growing, especially among the vaccinated.

These cognitive impacts are a fancy way of saying many people will experience brain damage as a result of the inflammatory, autoimmune and other biological responses to Covid’s intrusion into our bodies.

When we hear of people experiencing memory loss or loss of smell or taste, this, we now know for certain (see Oxford University BioBank brain imaging study linked to above – 400 brains were images before people had Covid and after they got Covid. The results show clearly in the imaging that brain size is reduced by Covid), is a function of literal brain damage:

It’s definitely worth reading this paper that was published on 22 July 2021 in the world’s preeminent scientific journal under the title:

“Covid and the Brain: Researchers Zero In On How Damage Occurs – Growing evidence suggests that neurological symptoms arise through multiple mechanisms”

As previously reported, we are seeing reports of Parkinson’s-like manifestations and now issues with parts of the brain responsible for memory:

Around 50% of people who were infected experience long-term symptoms for which no cure is currently available:

And, in case anyone thinks the “Well, how can we have known a smell affecting novel coronavirus might be a Bad Thing to Mass Infect children with?” defence is plausible…

Look what appeared in a peer-reviewed journal in March 2020, just as Covid was taking off:

25. This is all pretty grim!

On a positive note, though, if you carefully wear an FFP3/N99 mask or similar (FFP2/N95 masks work well too) you should be always protected, while protecting others:

And the below, from one of the world’s foremost experts on aerosol science (who has fought tirelessly to persuade those in charge to accept the scientific reality that airborne transmission is Covid’s main infection route):

Distinguished Professor Prather (that’s her correct title!) is also the lead author of the ground-breaking peer-reviewed study that shows (basically) ALL respiratory diseases are transmitted through aerosols in the journals Science:

26. If you install portable HEPA filters in rooms AND wear a mask, then you ought to be safe.

Anything less though is definitely unsafe. I know this is very annoying.

These are inconvenient truths par excellence.

Children, for example, do have a human right of access to education.

But if the State is not taking care to protect every child from infection the fundamental human right of the Right to Life of the child trumps every other consideration.

And if the State has neglected to ensure every child over the age of two (note the US CDC recommendation based on science at the very start of this article – all children >2 yo in school settings should be wearing masks) is wearing an N95/FFP3/2 mask…

If the State has neglected to ensure that there are multiple HEPA filters in every classroom…

Then in those circumstances the State is in breach of its international legal duty to protect its population from epidemics.

These are international legal duties encoded into the most important international treaties that have ever been signed by nation states.

Just because some governments today are caught up in some delirium that they no longer have these duties doesn’t mean that the governments won’t be held to account in time for this negligence.

However, by the time this generation of children whose entire lives will be blighted by avoidable Covid after-effects establishes international tribunals to try those responsible for this fiasco…

Unless we personally act in our own lives, according to the latest science which I have summarised here, it’ll be too late to protect ourselves from Delta.

In conclusion:

“COVID-19 triggered significant mortality increases in 2020 of a magnitude not witnessed since WWII in Western Europe or since the end of Soviet Union in Eastern Europe. Females from 15 countries & males from 10 ended up with a lower life expectancy at birth in 2020 than in 2015.”

Take care.

