Story of the UK’s “100K Deaths Is Okay” Covid Strategy


It’s 27th February 2020.

The UK Government’s pandemic modellers report:

“250,000 to 500,000 humans will die, unless you introduce ‘stringent measures’.”

What to do?

You write to local councils:

“Expect 100,000 deaths.”

That letter’s sent.

But you have no intention of introducing such ‘stringent measures’ to prevent these unnecessary deaths.

You don’t tell councils to expect 250,000–500,000 deaths, but 100,000!

Three weeks later (23rd March 2020):

You introduce the ‘stringent measures' you were advised to introduce.

Government defends itself by 🤷🏾‍♂️:

“Well, how could we have known?”

Here’s the thing:

As I noted here ( on February 10th 2020 UK government published the Corona Regulations in the UK Parliament.

They empowered the Police to detain you – For sneezing!

This is CLEAR evidence that government DID know what was coming down the line: on February 10th!

There’s clear evidence too that at least one government minister was talking to the Chief Medical Officer in January 2020 about Mass Infection (using the code word for such a policy “herd immunity”):

The UK Prime Minister’s senior adviser, in late February 2020, according to a report in the Sunday Times, described the UK government’s strategy thus:

That senior adviser lost his job advising the UK Prime Minister in late 2020.

He denies making the above statement to a crowded room.

However Cummings has given evidence to Parliament since his losing his job:


So, if the policy was to front-load infections and deaths into the Spring of 2020, how in actuality did that turn out?

Well, not very well:

In fact, by giving Covid the evolutionary space to evolve, the UK maximised the opportunity to evolve.

In the Autumn of 2020 the Alpha Variant was born somewhere in Kent southern England.

First the Alpha Variant conquered England:

Then it conquered Europe:

Alpha ravaged, particularly, Czechia:

Then Alpha conquered the rest of the world.

Sometime around March or April 2021, the Delta Variant was first detected in Maharashtra, India.

Delta immediately started outcompeting other variants circulating at that time, including Alpha.

In fact, according to one of the world’s preeminent expert research scientists and their co-authors in a June 2021 paper:

“Delta’s transmission advantage is some function of the underlying genomic background Delta emerged in (B.1.1.7 &…).”


So, the rest of the world’s Covid figures are a direct consequence of the UK governments Let-It-Rip policy.

Had the UK done everything in its power to suppress Covid, then Alpha would never have emerged.

Delta would not have emerged from the same genomic background.

And there would be fewer numbers of infections across the world.

Let’s recall that the justification given by the UK Prime Minister’s former adviser to let the virus rip in the Spring of 2020 was to forestall an even greater peak in the Autumn of 2020.

We also have much contemporaneous evidence from senior UK government officials and their scientific advisers in March 2020 that the policy was to Let It Rip.

And that the stated rationale for such a bonkers policy was to front-load the peak.

This is the senior government official in charge of the government’s behavioural insights unit explaining the policy on the BBC in early March 2020:

He said:

“There’s going to be a point, assuming the epidemic flows and grows as it will do, where you want to cocoon, to protect those at-risk groups so they don’t catch the disease.

“By the time they come out of their cocooning, herd immunity has been achieved in the rest of the population.”

That television appearance was the first time members of the public learned that the government’s policy of going for herd immunity was in place.

Immediately, many of us raised concerns:

Such a policy was a breach of International Law.

The UK has treaty obligations to control and prevent epidemics:

Covid had been declared as a Global Health Emergency by the W.H.O. by that time.

So those legal obligations were in place.

Their specific purpose, among other things, is to minimise the chances of variants like the Alpha Variant emerging!

It soon became clear that the government’s use of the term Herd Immunity in such a context was unknown to science.

There was no precedent anywhere of a population reaching Herd Immunity to a novel pathogen, in the absence of a vaccine.

Despite the euphemisms used as part of the government’s effort to mark the highly foreseeable impact of letting the virus rip (like “protect the vulnerable”), it was clear it would be impossible in practice to shield the population from the virus.

In fact, everyone is vulnerable to a deadly novel virus!

In actuality, those who were told to “shield” from the virus were twice as likely to die from Covid:

The evidence that the UK government’s policy for dealing with Covid in early 2020 was to let it run through the population is overwhelming.

The winter 2020/2021 Covid peak exceeded the peak in the Spring of 2020.

Indeed, more people died from Covid, according to official statistics in 2021, then died in 2020!

So even by the measure of the stated objective set out by multiple government sources in March 2020, the policy failed:

More deaths.

And worse variants were brewed by the policy of deliberately letting the virus rip.

There’s also overwhelming evidence that despite these failures, the UK government continued with its Mass Infection policy.

The government lifted the mask mandate in schools in May 2021.

A month later this was the result:

Here is how the pandemic rolled out between that moment in May 2021 and the end of October 2021:

In fact, even though by that time in May Delta’s extraordinary transmissibility and increased pathogenicity was well known, the UK government did not reverse its Mass Infection policy.

In mid-July 2021 all stringent measures were lifted.

That day was even branded Freedom Day.

By mid-November over 2 million English children had been infected by a antigenic, mutating, pathogenic, deadly, Long Covid-inducing and unknowable novel Coronavirus that had already selected out at least twenty-million-people around the world for death and a further two-hundred-and-fifty-million-people for infection:

The message to the public that the pandemic was over was broadcast and continued to be broadcast for months.

People were and are continually told that Covid is “mild” for most people.

And yet the long-term consequences of infection are unknowable because it’s a novel pathogen.

There’s mounting evidence some of which is collected here that one of the most common symptoms of infection by Covid -loss of smell- is a neurological condition that’s similar to an early warning for Alzheimer’s disease:

In response to desperate pleas by parents for mitigations like masks and HEPA air filtration systems in schools, ministers repeatedly describe this months-long surge as “expected.”

This goes to their intention to run a Mass Infection policy – the mental element (mens rea) in any crime!

Even the Prime Minister described these appallingly high over many months figures as expected.


Johnson’s idea of the virus being under control is clearly visible in this graphic from the Bloomberg article which includes that quote above:

In November 2021 the minister for education wrote to parents saying eight times in the same letter that school attendance must be maximised:

At the same time as this letter was written, parents who didn’t want their children to go to unsafe schools (including parents of children with serious health conditions) were being brought to court.

Parents were being threatened with prison sentences, if they didn’t send their children into schools which they consider, with good reason, to be unsafe.

Let’s go back to the first stage of the pandemic.

In 2020 Imperial College London pandemic modeller, Neil Ferguson OBE told the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee that not delaying for a week the time between decision and introduction of “stringent measures” would have reduced the death toll by a half because:


The official Covid death toll by June 2020 was 54,000 people, according to the Office of National Statistics tally of death certificates that mention Covid as a cause of death.

Reuters reports in fact the toll was 55,874 by late June 2020

Had the UK Government acted on the 15th March, 27,000 people might only have died.

Had the UK Government acted on 7th March, 13,500 people, by June 19th 2020, might only have died.

And had the UK Government introduced “stringent measures” on the 1st March 2020, the day after its pandemic modellers in the SAGE committee had advised it that up to 80% of the UK population would be infected and 250,000 – 500,000 people would die, under a “reasonable worst case scenario,” then, the number of dead would have been:

6,750, instead of 54,000.

Even worse than that, by June 2021 the cumulative death toll was at least 100,000 higher than the June 2020 death toll.

They purposely front-loaded deaths.

In that pool of infection the Alpha variant was brewed.

The Alpha variant killed almost twice as many people again just in the UK.

And, Alpha infected tens-of-millions around the world and killed at least 500,000 people.

Talk about an own goal!

Talk about a bad policy choice!

Even had the Herd-Immunity-Thru-Infection policy ever had a chance of working, it was inhumane.

But of course all it did was give the virus enough humans to select out (kill) and enough humans to find one in which it could evolve into, say, Alpha:


Quick eight-minute-long explainer from the Journal of the American Medical Association on how Alpha likely evolved inside one person:

Many of us pointed out when the UK government’s Nudge Unit head (shown here on 11th March 2020) revealed this plan that Herd-Immunity-Through-Infection won’t work:

Viruses evolve.

Cats’ coronaviruses use Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

I wrote about this at the time:

This means that in your second, third, fourth or fifth infections, the antibodies prior infections have created, actually help Covid’s rna enter into your cells.

Covid actually creates its own kindling!

Rather than “immunity” resulting from prior infection, Covid actually replicates on the macrophages your body creates supposedly to eliminate the pathogen.

Talk about a cycle of doom!

Antibody-dependent enhancement of Covid’s entry into cells has been proven in vitro with Covid:

Let’s finish off with a few stills from the UK government’s behavioural insight unit head’s describing the “focussed infection” strategy that didn’t work:

Remember the overall results of this crazy policy, as measured in terms of infections and deaths?!

Remember too that those who “shielded” were more likely to catch Covid and die?!

Well, it gets worse:

At least 20,000 people died in English care homes of Covid between April and December 2020, even though the policy was to “cocoon” them.

And how was it that so many died?

Well, in March and April 2020 government officials forced hospitals to discharge older patients many of whom had Covid into care homes:

This was the cumulative result of that ill thought out, unlawful, inhumane, impractical, deceptive, and failing policy:

UK government apologists often point to other European countries and say things like

“Well, they didn’t do much better!”

Here’s another thing:

First, the UK set out to Let It Rip.

Second, because this policy brewed Alpha, the whole world’s Covid numbers are a function of the UK running its Mass Infection policy.

Third, according to most metrics (if not ALL measures), the UK has had by far a more torrid and expensive Covid experience than any other so-called advanced nation:

Fourth, let’s see how many French school children were infected with Covid from Spring 2021 to November 2021:

Now let’s see how many British school- children were infected over the same time period:

At first glance both charts look quite similar, don’t they?

Take a closer look at the vertical axis on the French chart – it goes as high as 500 positive Covid cases per 100,000 people.

The UK chart’s vertical axis goes as high as 2000 cases per 100,000 children.

No wonder 1.4m English children have been infected just since the mask mandate was lifted in schools in England in May 2021:

So why would a government pursue such a policy of Mass Infection?

Who knows!

But this thread is worth perusing in this context:

