U.K. gives police power to detain people who sneeze (I kid you not).

The Coronavirus Regs went through the Commons last week without any discussion:

To summarise:

Sometime after March 18th, the Minister for Health in the most authoritarian minded U.K. govt in living memory will be able simply to declare an emergency.

Police will, then, immediately have the power to forcibly detain against their will anyone they suspect of carrying the Covid-19 virus.

50% of Coronavirus carriers on the Carnival Princess cruise ship were assymptomatic.

U.K. police will also have the power to detain any “group” of people under the legislation, provided that they’re suspected of carrying the virus.

The EU’s negotiating mandate provides that any trade deal must include a U.K. commitment to maintaining its membership of the CoE’s European Convention on Human Rights.

UK’s saying it won’t make this commitment — prefers to lose its trading relationship with the Single Market (52% of its trade), to keep the option of leaving ECHR.

ECrtHR may or may not declare this new law “proportionate” to the “emergency” we all face.

It’d be nice to know for sure.

