The Geopoly Metaverse: Your AR Capitalism Adventure

Mitchell Keller
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2021

Money. Power. Respect. The goals of any successful entrepreneur embody all of these three things. And this is at the heart of Geopoly, a play-to-earn game in which players must explore an AR world full of businesses to acquire and grow to earn valuable rewards. It’s a fresh concept in an NFT gaming market saturated with space games and medieval worlds, that blends capitalism, strategy, and the competitive nature of the business world in which only the strong survive.

Geopoly enters the GameFi market with a pre-established fanbase that knows our geolocation economic simulator well through our free-to-play app. With rave reviews from both iOS and Android users, Geopoly is poised to make a meaningful impact on the NFT gaming market and give players the ability to scour the AR globe for lucrative earning opportunities.

Channelling Your Inner Real Estate Mogul

While some play-to-earn games task players to purchase empty parcels of NFT land, Geopoly takes a more modern-world approach and adds a dose of business-savviness into the process. The goal is to become the ultimate capitalist and expand your real-estate empire across the globe by acquiring in-game NFTs with unique utilities.

The first type is pre-minted NFTs known as Special and Iconic locations. Any player can purchase these assets and enjoy yield farming benefits that generate $GEO$ tokens passively. The other NFTs available in the game are Ownership Certificates. Players will mint these assets and gain ownership of businesses throughout the game.

Users will be required to seek out opportunities across a multitude of these on-chain NFT businesses found throughout the Geopoly metaverse. Once purchased, users will have full ownership over these properties and the businesses they feature. These NFTs enable players to generate revenue in several ways. First, owners are entitled to token rewards at the end of each season. The number of tokens they receive will depend on the categories and tiers of the properties owned. Players can also sell their properties for a profit, or rent them to earn a passive income. On that note, renting a business to an Off-chain user will earn the business owner more tokens.

Geopoly: The Perfect Blend of AR and Capitalism

Over the last two years, the world changed in the way we moved, worked, shopped, socialized, exercised, and virtually every other daily habit we performed. This massive global shift created the need for a new way of exploring and doing many of the things we loved. In light of this, it came as no surprise that the augmented reality market surged to new heights, as it gave users a sense of normalcy and escape — at least virtually — from the confines of their homes.

Augmented reality provides users with an interactive and immersive experience by connecting the real world with the digital world. However, unlike virtual reality, which aims to replace the real world, AR complements and expands it through the advent of computer-generated content.

In games like Geopoly, users can access digital information about real-world objects and places, interact with them, and earn profits. Our game encourages players to become entrepreneurs and grow their businesses from humble beginnings to international corporations. Competition is stiff, much like business in the real world, and as such, users will need to make sharp, informative decisions based on the market and revenue-generating potential their properties have.

Skills and strategy increase earning

To ensure a business is successful, an entrepreneur must have his or her ears to the ground and be on the job daily. It pays to be well-versed in the different categories and tiers of the properties found in the game, as this will give you the advantage over your competition when acquiring the most lucrative businesses. Players will also need to take stock of their current inventory and apply upgrades wherever needed.

On-chain NFT businesses can undergo permanent upgrades by making a payment with $GEO$. Temporary upgrades, aka Service Upgrades, can be made by off-chain players that are renting a business. These upgrades reset once the rental agreement is terminated and the renter leaves the business. All of this ties into players having to strategize and develop a sound business plan to continue expanding and increase revenue.

Attack Elements

What would an NFT game be without some form of battle? After all, one can only remain so civil in the cut-throat world of commerce. Geopoly will also feature PvP gameplay in which players can steal resources and defend against incoming attacks with the use of robots, drones, and satellites, enabling them to steal non-tokenized digital assets.

Time to Suit Up

Put on your best virtual suit and tie and get ready to conquer the business world with a unique NFT gaming experience that combines entrepreneurship, travelling, and even duelling it out against other players. Geopoly is a stand-alone game that offers a new way for players to earn and accumulate wealth, both in our metaverse and in the real world. We are thrilled to have the support of such an enthusiastic community and our transition to GameFi could not have come at a better time as NFT gaming continues to break down barriers and provide millions of players with a new way to earn.

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Mitchell Keller

Content & Strategy for Quadrata - The Web3 Identity Solutions Provider. Founder of