5 Steps You Can Take to Secure Your Industry with Geora

Cadel Watson
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2020

At Geora, we provide industries with essential tools to certify, regulate, and enhance the value of their agricultural products. We have come a long way in using technologies to validate and protect agri-industries. Today, Geora is providing simple digital tools for industry participants to prove the quality and value of their agri-assets.

Want to learn more about the $1.7 billion impact of fraud in Australia’s agricultural industries? Take a look at this CoinTelegraph article.

The Geora certificate registry allows certificate issuers to create and manage certifications for farmers and other industry participants. Once certified and invited to the system, primary producers record assets and enrich them with valuable data from all stages of the supply chain. Thanks to Geora’s secure, blockchain-based system, users can have confidence in the immutability and traceability of their data, and protect themselves and their industries from fraud and adulteration.

Read on to discover the five steps you need to take to start securing and certifying your industry today.

#1. Create a certificate registry

To get started, you need to first create a new certificate registry. With this new registry, you can immediately invite users and manage their certifications.

First, sign up for a Geora account at https://app.geora.io. As part of the signup process, you will be prompted to create your first registry.

You can customise your registry to suit your industry, including:

  • A name and description for the certification, to help users understand how you assess their agri-assets
  • The type of user who will participate in your registry, and how they’re identified e.g. grain farmers in Australia
  • Determine the information you need to be provided with to be able to certify an agri-asset. Do you need to know farm location, seed variety or paddock details?

You can even change the registry colours and logo to align with you company and brand.

Creating a new registry

#2. Invite users to join your registry

Once your registry is set up, you can immediate invite your industry participants to access it and verify their agri-assets. Inviting a user is as simple as providing their email address; they will receive an email prompting them to set up an account and get started adding asset data.

Inviting a user to join the registry

You can add and edit all information about your users to help you keep track of the certification process — like their address, National Grower Registry number, or inspection details.

Viewing all users in the registry

#3. Issue, revoke and manage certificates

Certificate management is the heart of your Geora registry. For every user, you can individually manage their certification details by:

  • Creating new certifications across a given period, like a financial or calendar year
  • Revoking certifications when a user doesn’t play by the rules
  • Adding notes to all certificate management tasks
  • Viewing a history of a user’s certification status
  • Listing which certificates are expiring soon, to help you prioritise your inspection schedule

Can’t make it out to a farm in time to issue a new certificate? You can also extend the period of an existing certificate, to cover the grower in the interim.

Certifying a user

#4. Create and share asset records

Every user in your registry, whether certified or uncertified, can start creating and editing asset records right away. These records are a digital representation of the physical asset, and help you understand what is being created on farm.

Creating a new asset record

These records contain all the information needed for certification, as well as other data captured by the supply chain participants. All data is private and securely permissioned, and moves with the agri-asset as it travels along the supply chain.

Inspecting and managing asset records

When it’s time to sell an asset, the user can transfer all or part of the record to another Geora user, who then takes ownership of the asset and contribute further information as they process or on-sell down the supply chain.

#5. Certify and verify assets

When an asset is created and transferred, a digital certificate is automatically attached to it according to the rules of your registry. For example, if a producer holds a valid certification for the production date and location, it will be used to “certify” the asset in a secure, verifiable way. This certificate moves through the supply chain attached to the digital record, securing the value of that agri-asset.

Anyone with permission can see the full history of an asset, from its creation on-farm, through processing, and onwards to the consumer. The asset history contains all data added or edited on the asset, including timestamps and the user responsible for the change, giving you complete visibility into the asset’s lifecycle.

Viewing the history of a certified asset

With these five simple steps, you are ready to go with Geora’s certificate registry. Get started today, and in less than 10 minutes begin capturing and storing valuable data, and protecting your industry against fraud.

Go to https://app.geora.io or contact the Geora team at hello@geora.io for a full demo of the application.

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