Lessons For How To Be A Successful Artist

The life and art of Faith Ringgold.

Froyle Davies
George St Gallery


Open your eyes and look around

Faith Ringgold’s firm belief in life is that anything is possible. At 89 years old, this influential artist has overcome poverty, prejudge, and racism, to have her art shown in some of the major art institutions in America. As a painter, sculptor, performance artist and writer, Ringgold has combined artistic mediums to create new forms of art from traditional methods. Through her perseverance and personal strength, she has risen to the top of her profession. She has endured some of the darkest of times in history, to become a truly inspiring artist and person.

Born in 1930, Faith Ringgold grew up in the blocks around her neighbourhood in Harlem. This was not an easy time for people of colour in America, but Faith’s childhood was full of music and art-making from the inspiration of her parents. Her mother, a fashion designer, taught her to sew, and her father was an avid storyteller. Their home was filled with music, and she was encouraged to believe in herself. Ringgold drew her inspiration from the people around her and the experiences from her life.

“The art of a people comes from what they are seeing around them, and I saw so many…



Froyle Davies
George St Gallery

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand. www.froyleart.com