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George Hopkin
news, links and stuff
Note from the editor

I’m George Hopkin , a British journalist and geek who obsesses about the future of news, media and technology and how they might accelerate our progress towards The Singularity, or lead us to human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together and mass hysteria. Yes, that’s a Ghostbusters quote; I did mention I was a geek, didn’t I? I share a lot of links via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more recently Quibb and Plow, but felt they were going off into the ether with just the occasional comment, like or retweet to know they were finding good homes. But even if they weren’t setting the internet on fire (it’s a big place and I hear other people also share the occasional link), I wanted to keep a record of these links, without all that tedious mucking about with bookmarking or relying on a third-party platform that may or may not be around in a year’s time. So I set up a system whereby the most particularly interesting (or infuriating) links I spotted were also posted to a WordPress installation, which in turn became part of an RSS feed sent to my inbox each morning. That’s over at https://georgehopkin.com/wire , but I was keen to share via Medium as well, hence george/wire here.

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George Hopkin
Content and data marketing for punk industries including cybersecurity, AI/ML, VR/AR, IoT + other buzzwords.