1701 PAGE MILL ROAD by STUDIOS Architecture

George Lin
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2014


1701 Page Mill Road is a project by Studios Architecture. It was one of my earliest projects at the company. I primarily joined around CD’s but did lots of design during CA for the clients because they had contemplated some facade changes. Regardless, this project came out pretty well. I was happy with how the building come out. The clients didn’t really dig the standing seam wall. And actually, they wanted to rip it out after it was almost done, but I’m sure that in the more recent weeks, they’ve come to realized it was a good choice. I’m not sure they still want to do any redesign.

Its interesting that in school you work on projects and they never really become reality. Now that I’ve been working for a while, some of the buildings I’ve worked on are actually nearing completion. I guess in school you’re lucky to have an entire semester to design a project and usually your project grow in complexity over the course of weeks. In the real world, it happens almost overnight. The speed in which things move are amazing. Sometimes its hard just to keep afloat. I guess this is why architecture is not for everyone. You can either be really good at it or sink in it and hate your life for it.

The photos lack life because they are not completely done yet. I’m sure when they are, I will go back for a round 2.



George Lin

Designer/Architect, Educator/Visual storyteller, Digital Fabrication/Rapid Prototyping Wizard, & Image Sorcerer…