Chasing Stars

George Lin
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2013

Three planets, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are coming together in the evening sky at the moment, putting on a celestial show that won’t be seen again for more than a decade.

Planning for this was interesting. On one hand, you can see it only roughly 30 minutes after sunset. But on the other hand you fear that its still pretty lite up. So the best possibility is to see it somewhere with a few so so that even if you don’t see the stars align, there is still a beautiful scenery. Grizzly Peak, Berkeley was ultimately chosen. I dont regret it at all. The best part is, i wasn’t the only person that thought about that. Interesting to run into other ppl coming out to see the stars align. The next sighting is in 2026.

1 photo of stars, but I guess I got a lot of others stuff too.



George Lin

Designer/Architect, Educator/Visual storyteller, Digital Fabrication/Rapid Prototyping Wizard, & Image Sorcerer…