“Stayed Up All Night Just to Get Lucky”

George X Lin
3 min readNov 1, 2018


Halloween 2018 — Thomas Bangalter

So I was listening to the song last week while thinking about what to be for Halloween. Daft Punk was playing at the place I was eating and it brought me back to when I wanted to make a helmet a few years back.

Since I didn’t have many fabrication tools and I only had 1.5 days until Halloween, I stuck with foam core and rebuilt a digital helmet model that I found online into low-poly (low-polygon) unrollable version. The round parts of the helmet were the hardest to remodel, I wanted to save cutting time so I made a few pairs of the triangular surfaces into planar quadrilateral surfaces.

The model was unrolled and plotted out to be cut by hand. If I had access to a laser cutter I would have made this out of chipboard. With a bit of hotglue, I was able to make the helmet quite easily and quickly.

3d Model vs Physical

A quick coat of metallic spray gives it the feel of a metal helmet. And then it was time to work on the visor.

The visor was not bad. I put a layer of car window tint on a thin sheet of transparency to shade the eyes. Then behind it, I used a piece of chipboard (sprayed black) to embed the strips of LEDs from Amazon. Because the LED’s are spaced pretty far apart (3 inches), I had to weave it so that the slack is behind the chip board.

LED visor. Individual lights are brought closer.

Put it all together and you have the helmet! Now you can run around in it.

Daft Punk teaching in class during halloween…..


If you enjoyed my articles, make sure to follow me and find more of my work at www.georgexlin.com



George X Lin

Designer/Licensed Architect, Educator/Visual storyteller, Digital Fabrication/Rapid Prototyping Wizard, & Image Sorcerer…